“ A New Beginning” | Teen Ink

“ A New Beginning”

December 22, 2016
By scoia123 BRONZE, Smithfield, Rhode Island
scoia123 BRONZE, Smithfield, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Horror stricken faces surrounded the Caskets that were covered in red roses. I stood amongst the many family members and friends that mourned over the loss of my mother and father. I kept hearing the same words that had said to myself a million times before this tragic day, “They were too young.” The memory of that awful car ride had played in my head like reruns on TV. I remember the patch of ice, the headlights of a truck, and the fire that engulfed the car. I looked down at my chest raw with burn marks and saw the pain and suffering my parents had the night they were fighting to stay alive. As they were lowered into the ground my aunt grabbed me by the arm
“ Jessica we need to talk after the funeral, it is very important.
“Ok what about?” We were speaking in such a hushed tone it was almost silent.
“I’ll explain when we are alone.” There was something about her tone that made me anxious. I brushed it off and figured it was just another legal document that they needed me to sign pertaining to my parents’ belongings.  At this point all I could think about was the fact that I am about to go off to college with no mother or father. I had no father to walk me down the aisle at my wedding and no mother to become a grandmother to my babies. It was all just too tragic.
After the service I almost forgot about my aunt’s request because of all the thoughts running through my mind but like clockwork I took a right down Willow Street and a left on Barnes Ave and saw the familiar little yellow house that I will now call home. I walked in the door and there was already something that smelled delicious coming from the kitchen. Just as I went to walk in the kitchen Auntie Sue pulled me by the arm.
“You can never tell anyone what I am about to show you Jessica.” She pulled me into her bedroom and she opened her closet revealing a safe.
“Auntie, are you storing an army’s worth of ammunition in there?”
“Jessica this is no time for smart comments. Take this box and bring it to your bedroom the combination on the lock is 40, 71, 28. Take your time and come out when you are ready. Just remember how much your mother and father loved you.” Confused I took the box and went to my bedroom. I sat down at the desk in the dimly lit room and put in the combination. My stomach was in a knot. The Box popped open and its contents included 3 envelopes. I started with the first envelope that had my name written in a pretty cursive font. The letter slipped out and it read,
“Dear Jessica,
        If you are reading this letter than that means that your father and I have passed away. I never wanted to tell you this but your father and I are not your birth parents we are your adoptive parents. Your father and I never had the heart to tell you so I chose to give this letter to your aunt sue to give to you when we were no longer with you. I legally am not aloud to tell you their address but your father and I think that you deserve to meet them. So we found a loophole in the contract, if you can “find” them it is legal. So enclosed in the next 2 envelopes is your birth certificate and your first clue. Remember that we love you so much and we believe in you.
With love,
Mom & Dad”

I couldn’t believe it little things started making sense, the fact that I was the only person in my family without freckled pale skin and curly red hair. Instead I had sleek black hair with dark features and dark green eyes. Why my mom wouldn’t let me do a family tree project for history class when I was in the fifth grade. It all added up.  A sour sweetness filled my body because although my parents died I could have the chance at a second pair of parents. A feeling of determination ran through my veins. I will find them. The clue card read 40.7128° N, 74.0059° W and the phrase “Go to the grass and under the arch the image will appear will appear”. It was 1 am when I looked at the clock and I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything without sleep so I got in bed and drifted off.
The next morning it was still dark when I woke up. I packed my backpack with just my essentials and loaded into the Taxi. I left Auntie a note explaining what I had to do and where I was going. I know that she will understand. I always wanted to travel so I have many maps. I took the one with latitude and longitude points on it and found that the points I was given were right in New York City. It would be a long ride from Somerville Maine to New York City.
“Hey girlie wake up!” I jolted up not realizing that I was at my destination.
“I’m sorry sir, here is your money. Have a nice day. Um I know this is a weird question but what is the green in New York?
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about but the greenest place in this city is Central Park.” The cab sped forward leaving me dazed and confused. At this moment I am very thankful for all the trips to New York that my parents and me took. The city was always one of their favorite places so I knew these streets like the back of my hand. I headed down the street looking at the beautifully lit store windows with the most gorgeous gowns in the windows and before I knew it I heard, “watch where your going lady!” I forgot just how rude New Yorkers were. So I stayed focused and made my way to central park.
When I got there I thought about the next part of the clue my mother gave me, “ Under the arch the image will appear.” I was completely stumped. I sat under a big oak tree thinking for a long time. After about an hour of pure concentration I realized that the Bow Bridge right across the park was where my parents and me used to have picnics under when she was l was a kid. This was probably the “arch” my mom was talking about.
Under the bridge I there were bricks with pictures on them but my mom only said image not images so I inspected each one. The brick with a large white feather falling through the air that had the initials JEP, Standing for my name Jessica Ellen Perkins. I observed the brink not knowing what to do until I realized something might be inside of it. I pulled out the tiny little pocketknife I kept in my backpack at all times and started to chisel at the sides of the brick. It popped off and to my surprise a little box and letter rolled out od the little cavity on the inside of the brick.  In the box was a little Gold necklace that had the most beautiful little feather charm on it. The note said;

“Dear Jessica,
         I knew you would figure it out. You are so smart now after your hard work put on this necklace and go get your favorite meal. There the answer will present itself remember we love you.
Mom & Dad”
“ That’s it! I get this far and you tell me to put on a necklace and go grab some lunch” I was now confused and becoming impatient. Through my frustration I put on the necklace and tried to think. The notecard said to get my favorite meal and I was getting hungry so I went down to Vico’s Italian restaurant to get the best chicken parm in the world.
“ How many people miss?”
“Just me today”
“Ok follow me” I hadn’t realized how tired I was until my lanky body almost fell into the chair. I told my waiter my order after gulping two glasses of water. After that I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I saw a man that looked so familiar to me but I couldn’t put a name to the face. After staring at him walking around the tables I realized that he was the owner of the restaurant and he was coming my way.
“Um hello how do you know my name?”
“ Lisa come out here quick!” A lady from in the kitchen ran out and they stood there looking at me. Well not me they were staring at the necklace.
“Where did you get that necklace?”
“It is a long stor-“ I was cut off.
“Let me guess in a certain brick under Bow Bridge?” In that moment I looked at the man and women in front of me. They had dark green eyes and sleek black hair. In both of their wedding rings I saw a little feather pendant.
“ Hi I’m your daughter Jessica.”


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