A Grape Forgotten in Time | Teen Ink

A Grape Forgotten in Time

December 19, 2016
By IamMab18 BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
IamMab18 BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
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A Grape Forgotten in Time
There is a strong warrior in all of us, we just need the will  and determination to keep on fighting for what we believe in. In 580 B.C. in Ancient Greece there was grape being born. This grape was Parges. The society that Parges lived in was a spartan-like society. Parges survived the test of a newborn. For if a newborn if feeble and weak it was tossed off a cliff to die. Parges also survived the harsh training, became a master of combat, and some simple education. Education was not a strong point of their society. Except for the battle strategies passed down through generations.  He soon became a soldier of Greece. Parges loved defending Greece. Parges believed in Greece. Sometimes glaring at the young and upcoming soldiers reminded him of his teachers and himself whenever he was going through the grueling training he now teaches. Parges loved this role because he got to practice combat whenever he wanted to. He had slayed many enemies during his campaigns as a young soldier and received many awards from his people. Parges was a strong individual but a worn and grim soldier. For he had wanted blood in his youth and he got all the blood he wanted and more. He had seen much in war and was fine with only teaching the new hungry youths. One day during training felt the earth rumble. His pupils commented asking if it was an earthquake. Parges new what it was. His stomach twisted into a ball and frowned even more than usual. His students noticed this and asked what was wrong. He only said three words, “Battle stations, now!” The entire spartan grape army was assembled along the walls and streets of the city. A giant arrived at the city gates. Parges had just one thought in his head. “A big one this is.” A battle of epic proportions began. The grapes all fought their hardest as the giant brought its huge sickle shaped blade upon the city. Dozens of grapes were wiped out with every swing. The walls crumbled like sand against the giants blade. As the civilians fled the city the army fell back to the city square. And after hours of fighting the giant was bloody and torn but not defeated. There were no grapes left in the city except for Parges himself. He was as alone as a tree in an open field. Having no one with him the giant focused all of its attention on Parges.The giant was taking swings at him with a giant blade that took chunks out of his body. These swings revealed his lime green flesh that was splattered with the blood of the giant. Parges knew he would probably not win this battle. He started thinking about all the things he did wrong in his life. The time he missed his kill quota by one and he regretted not killing more enemies, forgetting to sharpen his sword everyday, and that one time he slept through drills. Through all of these personal disappointments and embarrassments he proved to be the best soldier by being the only one left. With his strength fleeing he did what he did best. He speared, slashed, and bashed the giant with every ounce of his being. Without having any strength left to carry his shield he dropped it. His spear lay broken at his feet. The giant then took his legs with a fell swoop of his blade. Parges crawled towards the giant screaming and laughing like a homicidal maniac.  As he stopped crawling he found a spear next to him. As the giant brought his fist down towards Parges, Parges said with a mighty roar, “BRING IT!”. With every bit of his being he threw his spear at the giant. The giant's fist came down and made a thunderous boom as it squashed Parges and shattered the city square. However before the giant could react Parges’s spear flew like an angry bee into the giant’s throat. The giant thrashed and writhed eventually choking on its blood and dying by Parges’s spear. The legend of Parges would be remembered for centuries by the people he had saved during the giant attack and the ultimate sacrifice he made. Will you make history? Do not go out without a fight.

The author's comments:

This was a project assigned to us by our english teacher.

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