The War | Teen Ink

The War

October 12, 2016
By Johnny112801 BRONZE, Riverside, California
Johnny112801 BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Is it ready to be moved?,” the man said.

“Almost sir, almost. Just a some more days and then it will be ready.”
“You have three days to finish it.” said the man.
“But sir, it can’t be done. It will take us at least a week or two to finish it up.”
“I need this to be done in three days or else. Put all the men to work on it. Understood? I’ll be back in three days time. If it’s not done by then.. Well, you’ll see.”
On the other side of town, two men were walking down a deserted, and not very well lit street. The buildings on either side offered no help with light as they prevented the little light from the moon to come through. 
As the men walked down the street they started talking about how the war in the southern parts of London were going.
“It doesn’t seem to be going good for the Russians. They are dying by the hundreds. Soon enough the rebels will all die out.”
“I wish that the war would end already. I wish that the Russians would just give up  and lay down their weapons.”
“You know that isn’t going to happen Jake.”
“I know Max,” Jake thought.“I know”
“I just wish that would happen.” said Jake, this time outloud.
“I know. Many people wish that. This war is too much for some people to handle.”
As Jake and Max walked on they continued their talk on who would win the war and should take responsibility for all of it. 
Meanwhile, back on the other side of town in the laboratory, all of the men in the room were working as fast as they could.
“ Hurry it up you good for nothings!” said the man incharge. “We have three days to finish this.”
“Why don’t you try doing all the work!” said a workman
“What did you say to me?’ asked the man unnervingly calm.
“Nothing, sir.” the man said.
“That’s what I thought.” he said, and from his pocket he pulled a little knife and with a swish he cut the man's throat.
“Now, does anyone else think that this is too much for them?” the man asked.
There was a murmur through the crowd rejecting the idea.
“Back to work then.”
And like that everybody went back to work with no one else contradicting the man’s orders.
The next morning was a damp and a light shade of gray. Jake’s nose seemed to be grabbed by the smell of rain from the night before. As Jake walked around the town his nose was grabbed by the hamburgers that were being put to grill outside in the streets for the festival. The buildings around him were decorated with ribbons and papers from the lightest shade of pink to a not so deep orange.
“ Jesus, I really should have eaten something. I feel like i’m going to die of hunger.” Jake thought to himself.
That entire day it was so glum and damp that some people thought that the festival might not even happen that night.
“I don’t think that the festival is going to take place tonight,” someone said.
“I really wish that it would brighten up a bit,” someone replied.
That night back at the laboratory something was about to happen.
“Is it finished?” the man asked.
“Just a few more hours and then it will be done. Just like you asked and in the time you asked,” responded the man next to him.
“I want to see it.”
“Yes sir. Come this way.”
The two men walked towards where everyone else was working. As the two men came by the rest parted way to let them through.
“There it is sir. Like I said, a few more hours and it will be ready.”
Sitting on the floor of the laboratory there was a pretty large sized ball of metal. On top it had the head looked like a nuclear warhead. It was round and elongated. It was black all over as if the sky during the night was covering it itself.   
“Nice work gentlemen, nice work,” said the man. “Now you can have the well deserved rest you needed.”
From the doors about 10 men came in with guns and they shot down the workers. The flash of the guns being fired was enough to see that the bomb was ready to be moved. After all the men were shot down the man and his men went to the bomb and looked at it closely to make sure that nothing was missing.
“Bring me the detonator,” said the man in charge.
“Yes sir.”
The men looked all around the laboratory but they could not find it.
“Sir, its not here.”
From the corner of the room came the sound of laughter.
“I told you it would take us at least a week to finish it,” said the professor.
“What do you mean?” said the man
“We had to put a self-destruct sequence on it and it will explode in around 30 seconds. Have a nice time exploding,” said the professor while laughing. 
From his gun sheath the man took out his pistol and fired the professor in the head just as the bomb exploded. The sight of the laboratory exploding could be seen from miles away. The smoke rose up like a black blanket over the buildings. The smoke was black and deathly looking. The passersby were thunder struck by the height of the smoke and by the size of the explosion. The buildings around the laboratory were completely destroyed. The windows were crashed in and the people inside were under their desks.  

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