Choose Your Own park Adventure | Teen Ink

Choose Your Own park Adventure

May 19, 2016
By ZebraMegan BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
ZebraMegan BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When we are weak God will shine His strength through us.

---- Bethany Hamilton

     You're at the park with your friends when you start to hear some noises.  They're coming from the side of the park no one has never gone to before.  legend has it that there's a man-eating monster over there.  If you would go see what it is skip the next paragraph.  If you wouldn't keep on reading.
    Since you choose not to you later figure out you missed out on a really great adventure, and you later die of boredom because you never to anything extincting, and at a young age.  Hope no one going to miss you. THE END for you.(Start the story over again)

     If you stayed to see what it is you find out that someone has gotten their car stuck, and you help them unstick it.  Due to your kindness they give you each $1 Million.  Then you realize you don’t know what to do with all that money.  If you would keep it all to yourself keep on reading.  If you wouldn’t skip the next paragraph.

        If you did keep the money all for yourself you are a very greedy person and no one likes you.  Nobody ever will trust you ever again around or with money.  So you will die all alone. THE END for you.(Start the story again)

    If you didn’t keep the money everybody likes you because you aren’t greedy, you decided to give your money to charities and poor people.  You soon become very famous.  In fact you become so famous the president wants to meet you.  While your at the president's house you notice a book called “Choose Your Own Park Adventure”.  So if you decide to read it, which you do, go back to paragraph one.

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