When You Take A Drive | Teen Ink

When You Take A Drive

March 4, 2016
By creativejjgalactica BRONZE, New Port Richey, Florida
creativejjgalactica BRONZE, New Port Richey, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Dear Tina and Jim,


You have no idea how hard it is for me to write this letter. I never knew how to say it! But, however, I became obsessed with loyalty quite late in the game, as well as being a man of my word, so I must be straight with you both. The last fifty one years of my life have been a lie. Well, you see, one day I was sitting at my desk at my new job, fresh out of college, and while I was casually working, I was approached by a man named Don Davis, who at the time was a complete stranger to me. I agreed to attend some meeting that night, and nevertheless, soon became a part of a “side operation,” if you will, or “spy network.” We did what any young guys trying to make an extra living would do, and never really did expect it to turn into something bigger, and more enjoyable, I might add.  My buddies and I made an agreement right before my trip four months ago, that we would retire late as a cover, (as an excuse to be spies a bit longer, and I decided to open a senior-citizen spy group) as well as plant a drive for an heir, or descendant of ours’ to find. They said if someone down our lines or generations found our drives that would mean they were indeed special, if they contained the nerve to follow what was on them. I hope Zack finds it. He’s always been more than he’s given himself credit for. I love your son and hope he and you yourselves will someday...understand. Well, I must depart.

Take care! Your loving father,

Barry Grandell
                               When You Take a Drive

“Dude, I’m not touching that chip! What’s your problem, anyway?” “It’s a flash drive. And problem? What do you mean problem? ” Zack asked Derrick, who was clearly missing his pillow that moment. “I mean, it’s…” Derrick checked his tacky watch that he always wore, “4:46 in the morning and you literally called me down here saying, ‘Bruh, I have found the answer to life through some mystical chip that I stole from my deceased grandpa!’” Zack thought over what had just happened a half an hour before. “Hmm, hmm, okay. And?” Derrik rolled his eyes at his obviously oblivious friend. Under normal conditions, Derrik was the one who was always up to something, but for his best friend to take the reigns on a ludicrous idea that he would normally have, was just, well, ludicrous. In fact, he was even nicknamed “Dare” by Zack because of all his infamous stunts in the past.
“Whatever.” Zack shook his head. “I’m going to plug it in and see what happens.” Zack’s eyes immediately elated to the screen. He was focused, and ready for what was about to cross it. But then, nothing did. “Why do you think this chip, or sorry, drive is worth anything anyway? Just because your grandpa worked at some high tech company doesn’t”- The two high school boys were interrupted of their arguments as something lit up the screen. A map. “It’s a-“ Derrik began. “Map,” Zack finished softly. “Bro, I think I know where this is! Let’s go!” “Uh,” Derrik grabbed Zack’s arm as Zack snatched his keys. “It’s almost 5 am and we have school in a few hours,” Zack groaned hastily. “Since when do you care about the time? Or school, for that matter?” His friend displayed a blank expression; after all, Zack was right.
“You know I’d go with you if this was your idea, like I always do.” “Well, do you ever like my ideas?” Derrik asked. “No, but-“ Zack was broken off by another snatch of keys, this time by Derrik. “I’ll drive.” The car ride was not a bit short of interesting. Derrik looked over at Zack in sleepy confusion. What is wrong with him tonight? It’s really freaking me out. Derrik was about to make a right turn into the plain aligned with forest surrounding the empty middle space in the full moon. “Okay, so…” “No! Turn left toward that house right across the field! It was my grandpa’s house. That’s what makes me believe this area is what the map was talking about since he lives right next to it. Now, pull in the driveway.” Zack’s words rambled out so fast. Sure, he’d done this sort of thing before with Derrik, but for it to be his own operation was something neither one of them could process, at least not at the current hour.
“Wait, why are we here?” Derrik yawned. “To get supplies. My grandpa must have some gear in his house. He went hunting a lot in the woods back there.” Zack gestured to the shadowy giants far behind him. “Let’s just go. I have a key he gave me from when I would come over before he died.” Zack fumbled through keys. “Supplies? Ugh.” Derrik mumbled over and over. Once the door was finally opened, Zack haunted the halls with some eerie wonder of how he remembered all the photos in the hallway like they were just yesterday. Truth was, his grandfather was on some European business trip four months before and he had apparently just died. A reasonable explanation was given by the company he worked for and nothing more was ever questioned. Zack was still scouring through photos until he came to one where he paused. Nothing real unusual, just his grandfather and a bunch of business associates dated fifty years before around a large table. Still, something just felt weird, like they were a part of something bigger than solving some strange computer formula.
“Zack! I found all this stuff in the office!” Luckily, the bank after claiming the property, had yet to touch anything, so everything was still intact. Shotguns drizzled over Derrik’s overflowing hands. Small lasers and other gadgets glittered the floor as he dropped them. “What is all this stuff? Where in the office?” The baffled teen was beginning to pick up some strong signals that his elderly grandpa had been up to some tricks that perhaps not many other older people were generally up to. “There was an open safe behind a bunch of stashed papers.” Zack put a hand on Derrik’s shoulder. “Dare, we gotta find out what’s in that forest.”
The moon was still in full effect as ruler of the night, and time was only ticking faster. Perhaps the stars didn’t even notice the two sophomore boys pounding through the woods below. “This map is so confusing,” said an out-of-breath Derrik. “Yeah, just hold on. I think the printed version is just harder to see for some reason.” Zack then realized the color-coded variation of the map. “It looks like the brown signals all right turns and the yellow, least I think that’s yellow, signals all left turns, and blue or green is straight. Red is the final destination.” Zack began to wish he had printed out an extra map for Derrik since they couldn’t split up, but maybe this was better anyway than being alone, especially since they also only had one flashlight and the flash on their phones just wouldn’t cut it.
After a very confused running episode thirty minutes later, Zack finally stopped, and Derrik shined his flashlight over the spot. “Hey, Z, the earth looks red here. Maybe that’s why red marked the spot.” “Yeah, but the question is,” Zack peered around him. “What exactly are we supposed to find here?” “Maybe we weren’t supposed to see that drive. Where did you find it, exactly?” Derrik questioned. “On the ground in his office by some papers. Maybe…by that safe! What were on those papers, did you see?” Derrik shivered in the night. “A little. But there were a bunch of symbols and things I didn’t understand. Everything looked really professional and almost, like,” he laughed. “Top secret.” Zack nodded, now understanding. “I know it’s crazy, and maybe I just really want to believe my grandpa was more than a nice old guy, reckless even a little maybe, since my family has always seemed to be nerds, but, do you think it’s possible he could have been a"- "A spy? Why yes, Zack Grandell, I think that is a definite possibility. And just a heads up, you and Derrik may have to consider missing school today.” “Whoa… Grandpa?”                 

                                              THE END.

The author's comments:

This piece was orignially going to be more sci-fi, but the story took a turn of its own.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 22 2016 at 4:12 pm
creativejjgalactica BRONZE, New Port Richey, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you for your feedback!

tony100 said...
on Mar. 15 2016 at 3:15 pm
Very nice, I enjoyed the trip in my mind's eye...