Officially the Worst Day Ever | Teen Ink

Officially the Worst Day Ever

October 16, 2015
By sarahvlha BRONZE, Patterson, California
sarahvlha BRONZE, Patterson, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silvery flakes drifted down, glittering in the bright light of the harvest moon. The blackbird swooped down and grabbed the woman's hat. She screamed and flung her arms around trying to grab the hat the bird flew away with. The woman feels that this has officially been the worst day of her life. It all started with her waking up at 4 in the morning to her parents that she hasn't talked to in years saying that they will be living with her for a month. They also brought their annoying dog that barks day and night. She lives in a small apartment with one bedroom so her parents take her bedroom and she’s stuck sleeping on her couch with they annoying dog.

She can't fall back asleep because the annoying little dog keeps barking and whining so she decides to make breakfast. She ends up burning the breakfast and has to start all over. She's exhausted and ends up falling asleep on the couch. She wakes up to her parents loud talking in the kitchen and she checks her cell phone and realizes she is late to work. She sprints to her bedroom then changes in record time then runs to her kitchen. She then finds out that her parents have eaten all of the breakfast she made and is now giving the dog the last piece of bacon. She doesn't even care and just runs out the door and tries to get her car started.

Turns out her car won't start so her work isn't very far and she sprints all the way there. She arrives at work a half an hour late and rushes to her office and immediately starts working. She looks like a mess and can't focus on anything because she got about an hour of sleep. She manages to get through her work and then heads home exhausted. When she arrives at the apartment her parents are there getting ready for some christmas dinner banquet at town hall. They tell her to get ready quickly because it starts in a half hour. She grumbles and complains but heads over to her room and gets dressed and do her hair. She manages to get ready in 15 minutes so she can have a quick snack before she goes. She makes herself a poptart and then heads out the door with her parents following her. They can't manage to get a taxi so they call up a friend to pick them up. When they arrive everything is going smoothly. Even though she is about to fall asleep nothing is going wrong until someone decides to spill red punch all over her favorite white dress. She grabs her coat and hat then rushes outside. She's walking around feeling sorry for all that she has gone through today and watching the silvery flakes drift around her then suddenly a blackbird swoops down and grabs her hat. She screams and flings her hands around trying to grab the hat back but she has no luck. She then decides that this  has officially been the worst day ever.

The author's comments:

I had alot of fun writing this and thinking of what to have happen next to her.

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