The biggest cow | Teen Ink

The biggest cow

March 24, 2014
By maria cruz BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
maria cruz BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in the near forest there was a big cow. It was the biggest cow that can anyone could have ever seen. Nobody in the township likes her, because she need it too much food. No body could take care of her. One time the people from the town were into a big starvation time. There was no food anything. People were suffering.

One day in the cow was sitting down near a lake; well the lake didn’t have no water at all. But she still was there. A boy come closer and took a sit next to her. He didn’t do anything at first. After an hour, the boy starts to tear down. The caw asked, what was going on? The boy with his sad eyes answer, “well the people in the town are dying because there’s no food and water. Everything is horrible, he said”. My little sister is dying because there is no water and she is dehydrated. The cow says “ you can take some of my milk and gave it to her”. The boy very happy took as much milk he could since the cow was pretty big. There was enough milk for everybody. They even pure water into the crops. They grew beautiful and ready to eat.

Since the day the cow was alone again because no body need it her. The next day the boy came in. He told her that if she wants to go to the town and be like the others cows. She said the nobody likes her, there was no point of going there. The boy thought for a second and he knew he was right. So he left thinking of what he could of do. The next morning he wakes up with a great idea. He knew that if he take her to the town and show what they could of do with the milk they might like her. The next day, he took her. Nobody likes her at first. After a while, the boy was showing them the Cheesecakes, yogurts, etc. everybody became likely to her.

All the people became very nice with her. They provide her with food, etc.… The cow notice that they just like her because of what she gives them, not because they really wanted her. Even if they didn’t like her she still was nice. She was happy ever after.

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