The Night of the Traveling Dream | Teen Ink

The Night of the Traveling Dream

March 5, 2014
By syeknom101 BRONZE, Dewitt, Michigan
syeknom101 BRONZE, Dewitt, Michigan
1 article 4 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Friends are like potato's if you eat them they die"

"You cry, I cry; You laugh, I laugh; You jump of a bridge, I laugh even harder"

"When life hands you lemons make apple juice and leave the world wondering how the heck you did that"

The wind was whistling as the rain pounded on the window in John’s room. John was ten years old and very spoiled. When there was something new and better, John wanted it; if John didn’t get it he would be angry and make his parents buy it for him. If they didn’t, he would steal it from someone at school. But that all changed very quickly because of a dream he had that night. John went to bed he was finally happy that he got his new Iphone 5. He fell asleep just as his head hit the pillow; not expecting what was about to lie before him.

When he woke up, he was in a small hut and not in his own house like he was the night before. He instantly realized that it must be a dream that was until he noticed his family was with him. After John got out of his bed he walked up to his dad; “Hey dad why are we in this weird hut thing?” he asked, “Well John, first of all you do not call me dad; you call me sir, and what do you mean ‘why do we live in this hut thing’? This hut is the house that you grew up in all of your life”. “No dad, we have always lived in a big Victorian mansion in New York”. “New York? Where is that land that you talk about? We live in Africa. Now go outside and help your mother get some food to eat so we don’t starve again today”. “Okay I guess.”Outside wasn’t much better for John; his mother couldn’t find any food to gather the day before, so they went to whole day starving in the strange place his dad called Africa.
The next morning, the sun shone through the wall of John's room; this time his room wasn’t in a hut but in an igloo. “How did I get here when I just was in Africa?” John asked himself. John went into the kitchen still confused about how he got from his family’s house to Africa and now to Alaska just by falling asleep. “Oh I’m just dreaming and this will all be over he thought to himself just as soon as I wake up” John thought as he walked up to his older brother Matt. “Hey Matt why are we in Alaska?” John asked him; “Why are we here? We have lived here our whole lives and if I were you I would go and bundle up because it looks like a Blizzard may blow in”. John knew that his brother was a know-it-all, and that his mom kept telling him to bundle up whenever he went outside last year when a very bad snowstorm hit them the winter before giving him a very small frostbite in his foot.
Oh his way to school John had to walk six miles in two feet of snow with his brother. Soon after they walked about three miles almost halfway to school the air suddenly started to get cold and the wind stopped blowing next thing John and Matt knew they were in the middle of a horrible blizzard. Thankfully Matt was a very superstitions kind of guy and he knew what to do when they were stuck in a blizzard. They took each other’s hand and crawled towards the nearby mountain to look for a cave to crawl into. They were lucky and were able to find one large enough for them to both fit in without the company of any animals. A few hours of sitting in the cold Matt finally had the idea of building a campfire because the storm didn’t look like it was going to let out soon; if anything it was getting worse and they were about to freeze to death. It took Matt about an hour to try to light a fire before he gave up and John was finally happy for once that his father made him join boy scouts when he was younger. John was lucky and was able to start the fire in a few minutes time saving him and his brother from freezing to death.
Next thing he knew he was waking up in another cave, but instead of a raging snow storm going on outside there was a sandstorm. John attempted to stand up but it was almost impossible to do with all of the wind that was blowing into the cave that he was in. After he finally was able to stand up and gain his balance, he noticed a bright light in the distance and thought it was someone that was looking for him. When he got enough energy to go out into the storm, he started to walk but found it nearly impossible with all the sand and wind. After the wind knocking him on the ground a few times, he gave up and started to crawl towards the light. When he got to the place where he thought he saw the light he didn’t see it anymore and he started to wish he was back at home with his family. “Why am I here why? I want to be back at home right now with my mom and my dad and even my brother”. Suddenly a deep voice replied “your wish will be granted because I now see that you have now learned your lesson”. Next thing John knew he was waking up in his own bed in his house in New York relieved to find out that it was only a dream. After he woke up, he noticed that there was a note in his hand that stated that he must return everyone’s belongings that he took and return it to the rightful owners and never take anyone’s belongings again because if he did the dream will return but this time it will be even scarier than the one he just had. So from that day on, John was more caring and he realized that some people don’t have a life nearly as well as he does and they may even have it worse than him as well.

The author's comments:
It is a folk tale

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