Lucky Number Six | Teen Ink

Lucky Number Six

November 25, 2013
By morganshearer BRONZE, North Wales, Pennsylvania
morganshearer BRONZE, North Wales, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A few drinks between the two strangers. Buzzed off the wine, high off the connection she thought they were sharing. Clinks of the glasses as they wrapped up dinner and headed back to the hotel. Dark room, no windows, she was filled with energy, he was anxious with suspense. Electricity sparked as their nude bodies rubbed on each other. Fatality strikes as his hands wrap around her neck. Gasping for air she ponders how she ended up in this situation. “Help” is all she can mutter before it goes dark. It’s all over; every hardship she has overcome is for nothing as she lays lifeless and cold. Just as his hands leave her neck, he thinks to himself how she’s his lucky number 6. Killing six girls seems like a walk in the park to this serial murderer. Lousy self-confidence and a dead beat father who beats his son are to blame for his lack of remorse. Many nights he lay alone in bed wishing he could end his father’s life but his father beat him to that, so this will have to do. Not a day goes by where he doesn’t get the urge. Openly walking through the streets a free man, smiling happy as can be. On his way out of the hotel he takes a left and begins the trudge home. People pass, and people stare but no one suspects a thing, just another strung out man walking the streets of Chicago. Quick and easy movements and now his house is in sight. Right before his house, he dumps her clothes in his neighbors trash can. Still on the high of the kill, he conversates easily with his wife then heads to bed. Ten minutes later and he’s laying restlessly under the sheets thinking about who the next one will be. Unfortunately, you would never suspect this man of being so horrific and he knows that so his confidence is clear. Very sure he’ll get away with this one too; he begins to drift to sleep. With his wife beside him, he feels like he’s done no wrong just an hour before. X marks the spot of the last ones grave stone, she’ll be uncovered soon. Yelling will surround the hotel room but for now please be quiet…”ZZZ”, the murderer and number six are trying to sleep.

The author's comments:
This was fun to write because it was an alphabet story meaning each sentence had to start with the next letter in the alphabet

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This article has 1 comment.

Ginny said...
on Dec. 2 2013 at 10:38 am
Wow, Morgan!  Scary but so a well written and mature.  Keep up the good work!