The Fall Of Two Kingdoms | Teen Ink

The Fall Of Two Kingdoms

October 7, 2013
By MonkeyL00ver69 BRONZE, Odessa, Florida
MonkeyL00ver69 BRONZE, Odessa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Banana." -Mr. Banana

The sound of two swords being heard across the temple as the battle

of two kingdoms hadbegun. Kingdom Theoston was a kingdom of peace.

But the young

kingdom Smithston lead by a reckless king named King Randen.

King Randen was the king of the Smithston’s he was not a man of

negotiating. He

would go for any battle he could get. He felt as if he was the only one who

could make the decisions in his kingdom. King Theo was a king

of peace. He understood what was right for his people. King Theo’s knights

were the strongest and most fearful knights. A long time ago a man named

Randen was one of the knights who served King Theo. He did not agree

with King Theo’s peaceful ways. One day Randen came to his king asking,

“Why do you coward off and not be a man and face those who come and

make disturbance to this kingdom?”

“Because I love and care for my people I cannot put them in any risk.”

Randen shouted to him, “You must have more power over your men.

You act like it is no big deal! If you won’t take charge of your own kingdom

then I cannot serve you anymore.” So the faithful

knight went off to start his own army it took him more then a year just to get

10 soldiers. Five of which followed him from Theoston. So he decided to go

to the kingdom and tell those people what they needed to hear. He planned

to go and deceive people into having power as great as King Theo. So he

said to them, “Why do you people follow this weak king? He is only getting

weaker by the second. Follow me and you will be wise and as powerful as

your king once was.” These words were all filled with lies but all it took was

one person to be deceived to start a whole group of deceived people. A

man named Isaac stood up and said aloud, “What more power do we need

then we have now?”

“You will be even more powerful then your king and more wise then

he ever was.” King Randen shouted.

“If this is true then I want to be apart of it.” Whispers started to fill the

room with doubt and belief.

As king Randen then shouted one last time,

“Join me and you will be greeted with kindness.” Right then a group people

stepped forward as the whispers quite down. As more and more people

then started to follow King Randen out of the kingdom.

King Theo had

just been told by one of the knights at the scene. King Theo sat at his

thrown in confusion. A man came up to him with a letter in his hand.

“Give me that,” he demanded. Then the letterman spoke out saying, “Letter

for king

Theo, this letter is a threat against you and your kingdom telling to hand

over your rights and possessions or you will face my kingdom.”

“I always knew he would come to this. I will not fight one of my own

men.” King Theo declared.

“My king he is no longer your knight he has gone off of your orders so

he is no longer

serving your kingdom. Therefore he is not one of your men. He is so caught

up in his pride that he cannot see straight. You must battle him his men are

just getting stronger.”

“Very well then I will not be the one to attack him though. If he wants

to fight my kingdom then he will have to attack me. But we will be ready at

any cost.”

“Should I send the troops to the front gate my king?” As king Theo

replied, “Please do, we need to be ready.” The sun started to set as the

kingdom was heavily guarded. The king went to his thrown to think about

how it all started. All it took was one man to set off all these things that

have happened all

this darkness has overtaken this world. But was not the type of darkness

from a demon or devil this

darkness was made by man a sinful and reckless darkness.

King Randen had heard of King Theo’s reply to his message. King Randen

was furious and felt angry. Leading his troops to the Theoston gate the

Smithston army

split into two groups. One group with the heavier weapons heading to the

front. While King Randen leading the other group around the castle to the

back entrance. King Theo was puzzled watching from his castle window not

seeing any troops from Smithston. King Theo knew that Randen knew the

castle like the back of his hand. He told his troops to guard the

small entrances so he could not lead his men through there. Right then

King Randen’s troops charged the front gate making as much noise as

possible to direct the troops to them. The noise led the troops who were

guarding the smaller entrances to the gate which left the back gate open.

King Randen’s troops quietly moved to the back gate. The gate was rusty

and old it was never used so it would not open from the rust. So they had to

climb to the top of the gate. The Theoston troops noticed them at the top of

the gate. The troops charged his men as they only defeated two of the

troops. The Theoston knights had lost there Blacksmith to the Smithston’s

so they did not have all their needed weapons. The Smithston knights

slowly started to gain on King Theo. By the time King Theo had reached

the footsteps to King Theo’s room he had only three knights left. They then

stood guard as King Randen went up to his thrown room. As he slowly

crept into the room King Theo facing the other way looking out the window

watching the war asked, “Have you come to kill me?” He mummers.

“I have come to make this kingdom right. You can’t even go and lead

your men through this battle.”

“Why can’t you see that this kingdom is peaceful without war? You

are to caught up in your pride that you can’t see ahead of you.”

“You fool you do not understand!” King Randen shouted.

“I do not need to understand you to see the mistakes you are making.

Call your men off before you make any more all it is getting is worse. Can

you not see that?”

“That will not happen me and my kingdom have come to far to waste

it on retreat. I can’t believe you would...” As King Theo cuts him off in his

sentence, “Come so far from what? The only thing you’ve come from is

from this kingdom now look at you, your tearing it down! You now leave me

with no choice but to end you right where you stand.” As King Theo then

took out his sword from his side and firmly held it with two hands. King

Randen then took his sword out and gets in a ready position.

“See what you’ve led this too? Chaos is all this is.” King

Randen then charged towards King Theo as two sword hit against each

other making a ringing noise. King Theo then swung his sword then

another not holding back. King Randen barely holding all the hit taking from

the sword. But King Theo was old and did not have as much strength as he

use to have. Sweat running down his brow with the sound of metal against

metal at every hit. Right then King Randen heard his men yell out saying,

“They are charging the stairs brace yourself my ki-” Quietness then filled

the room with both Kings backed up. Then hearing footsteps coming closer

and closer hearing the shout of, “For king Theo!” As they were getting

closer and closer. They kept fighting knowing that it was the last of one of

there days but to King Randen it was becoming clearer to him. Five of

the Theoston knights busted into the door as they charged King Randen.

As King Randen felt a sharp feeling in his chest a feeling of quick pain but a

feeling of his pride leaving him. As his head then cleared up as he looked

down and saw the blade in his chest. He fell to his knees thinking of all he

had done going to the ground with a tear falling from his eye.

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