Siren | Teen Ink


May 10, 2013
By hollie ewell BRONZE, Billings, Montana
hollie ewell BRONZE, Billings, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Siren is on top of tall building observing the city. It’s so peaceful nothing is wrong, no one needs rescued. While watching she drifts off in her own thoughts. She thinks back to her childhood, when she was just a normal girl. She remembers her family her caring, mom, humorous, dad and precious, little brother. They were just a normal family and she was a normal teen. She thinks back to the days leading up to the fire that killed her family and changed her life forever. In the days leading up to it she had been fighting with her parents. She felt she was being treated like a child so she rebelled. That night she went to a party and came staggering home at 3am. At the time she didn’t know why she was in trouble or why her parents grounded her. That didn’t stop her, the next day which was a school day she skipped school and drove around town with her friends for the day. When she came home she figured she would be in trouble and spent the rest of the day in her room. Wishing to help and talk to her troubled daughter, Siren’s mom came up to her room around 8pm and brought her dinner and tried asking what had gotten into her the past few days. Siren, Moody and disrespectful, pushed her away and didn’t speak. Around midnight when everyone was in bed siren left she just got in her car and drove to clear her mind. She finally came home at 2am. She turned on to their street and saw her house up in flames. Fire trucks came screaming around the corner, neighbors ran out on to the street. Before thinking she got out of her car and ran inside the burning house. She collapsed; the smoke was so thick she couldn’t breathe. She woke up the next morning in the hospital and was confused how she got there, but then images flashed through her mind. The flames, the fire trucks everything and that is when she realized the beds next to hers were empty. She panicked ripping monitors and cords off of her and running out to halls looking in every room screaming out for her family. The next thing she remembers is being restrained by dozens of nurses and given something that made her fall asleep. When she awoke once again a doctor was in her room and she asked him where her family was. She knew by the look on his face they were gone. Siren realizes that is when she knew something was different about her. After she was discharged from the hospital and the days following is when she discovered the things she could do that she could never do before like touching everything and it burns or turns to ash. Siren is lost in her thoughts when tears start to roll down her cheeks. It’s now when she realizes the last time she saw her family is when she was treating them badly. She never got to tell them she loves them. At that moment something happens in the city. People are running every direction. There is someone shooting. Mind racing, Heart pumping, Siren jumps off the building and runs into the streets ready to take down the criminal for the citizens. For her family.

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