SQUIRB! | Teen Ink


March 22, 2011
By SQUIRB-man BRONZE, East Jordan, Michigan
SQUIRB-man BRONZE, East Jordan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Alison but many others know me by the name of…SQUIRB-man. My theme song is…SQUIRB-maaann! NALKAKLALALALALALA…if you ever happen to hear that…it’s me! I have a really long purple cape that trips me right as I am about to attack. My power is to tickle those who deserve it, to justice. My biggest fear is seaweed. That is the only weakness I have is when people have seaweed and they touch me with it. That is why my arch-nemesis is seaweed man! He can not stand to be tickled and I can not stand seaweed. We have faced each other in many attempts to rule the world. I believe that even though I would like to rule the world and have control over everything and everyone, I am still the good guy in this situation. He does mean things to try and get control; I do well, by tickling the unhappy babies and making them giggle so the parents don’t get stressed. Seaweed man, on the other hand, attacks people with seaweed, knowing that many people have huge fears of getting sucked down in the water as seaweed wraps around your legs and traps you underneath the deathly cold water of the lake. Anyway, my best friend is my pet Italian Greyhound named Rex! He is adorable and goes with me everywhere. Dogs are the only thing I cannot tickle and that is why I find them so interesting. Seaweed man does not know this and that is good because I know he would try to use this against me in some way or form. If you ever need my help be sure to give me a call. I am in the newspaper all the time for my evil mishaps.

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