The Journal | Teen Ink

The Journal

February 3, 2011
By JeremyS GOLD, Sun City, Arizona
JeremyS GOLD, Sun City, Arizona
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The journal was gone! Brianna’s precious writing notebook was gone. She had to find it. She got to school and started searching for it “Indiana Jones” style. Using her whip to swing through hallways, Brianna surveyed every possible inch of the school and didn’t see it anywhere. Just then, Mr. Alvarado gave her a map out of nowhere. The map showed Brianna where to find her notebook. It was in the clutches of the evil Mrs. Barilla, and her flying monkies. Brianna followed the trail on the map to Zuni Hill Elementary, an old, deserted school. This was Barilla’s hideout. Brianna entered the old school and found Barilla’s hideout, her old classroom. She peaked into the window. Barilla just sat in there, laughing. Brianna found her notebook in the cruelest trap ever, stuck under Barilla’s rear-end. Brianna was distraught in horror. This would be the hardest save she had ever attemped. Just then, Mr. Moore, her old teacher, appeared from his dark classroom. He agreed to help Brianna if she helped him grade some homework from 2010. Brianna agreed. So the 2 busted down the door, and Barilla’s flying monkies attacked. Mr. Moore jumped in front of Brianna to fight the monkies. Brianna snuck around to Mrs. Barilla’s desk. Brianna told Barilla to move and she laughed. Brianna knew what she had to do. She gripped Barilla’s shirt and threw her to the ground. Brianna grabbed her notebook and ran as the ground shook. It was Barilla, rolling like a boulder. Brianna fended off the last monkiy, pulled Mr. Moore and ran off. It was close, but the 2 made it out alive. Brianna was so appreciative as she hugged Mr. Moore, grabbed her journal, and a stack of old, ungraded homework, and headed off into the sunset.

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