Politics are FUN! | Teen Ink

Politics are FUN!

November 17, 2010
By DesignerPancake BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
DesignerPancake BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:

The wind whipped around the corner, moaning and warning me that…
…the evil Politician monster was approaching. The wind was caused by the despicable Politician’s foul breathing, killing foliage and causing a cancer of the lungs.
The only thing that could kill the Politician was mouthwash, and the monster avoided it like the plague…which the monster’s breath was, but anyway. I readied my mouthwash-dipped sword (forged in the fires of Crest) and prepared to strike.
The Politician loped around the corner, belching nastily. I charged and rammed my sword into the foul being’s chest before it could do more than blink. The Politician screamed and withered away before mine eyes. I raised my sword in triumph, and shouted a victory yell!
Then I went to Taco Bell and snarfed a XXL Chalupa.

The author's comments:
Like my other piece (The Virus) this was an assignment. The first sentence of the story had to be "the wind whipped around the corner, warning me that..." It's kinda fun.


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