Suprise | Teen Ink


November 24, 2009
By sarahjeanorsini GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
sarahjeanorsini GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Three shots . . . two injured . . . all for one diamond. Crime has been flooding the cities, rampantly spreading to even the most remote areas in the country. Milwaukee, Chicago, and now Boston – officials concur that the next target for the high rise of crime will be in a clandestine area near Los Angeles. Boston, the duress is now reaching the upmost high, officials filling in full-time shifts, and families rushing home before dusk. The Hillmond diamond has belonged to the prestigious Hillmond family for thirty-six years, and now, the large, flagrant diamond belongs to the unknown.
On Saturday at about seven o’clock in the evening, the Hillmond house was held up at gunpoint, by only one culprit, as reports say. “It was noticeably a young man,” Charlene Hillmond cries out as police question her injured husband, “He was largely built, but had a mask on, so I wasn’t able to see his features.” The man easily slipped past the Hillmond’s front gates, continued into their yard, and rung the doorbell as if he were a guest. “I didn’t think we expected anyone to come by, but I still decided to greet the door alone.” Charlene reminisces to her younger years, “When I was enrolled in a proper ethics class, I learned that I should always greet the door with a smile.”

She was taken by surprise as the masked man pointed a gun straight to her face. He asked politely to enter the house, and continued to show no remorse as he asked for the diamond. Charlene questioned quickly and yelled out to get her husband’s attention, but the inane act didn’t fool the burglar. He noticed Mr. Hillmond racing down the stairs with a bat – he was not one to be fooled with. The burglar quickly shot Mr. Hillmond in the leg, but was unexpectedly knocked down by Mrs. Hillmond’s fist. As the burglar got up, the woman punched him again - her mind driving her strength. With surprise, she fell, and the culprit pointed his gun upwards and pulled the trigger twice. Debris fell as Mrs. Hillmond screamed, noticing the man sprint out of sight. The police were at the scene within five minutes, but apparently this wasn’t the first time someone tried to barge into the home. This was the third attempt, and the Hillmond’s were ready to defend what was rightfully theirs. With a smile, Mrs. Hillmond laughs out, “Just wait to see if there is a next time, I’ll also have my Rottweiler waiting at the front.”

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