Late Library Book | Teen Ink

Late Library Book

January 29, 2019
By Anonymous

As I was sitting doing my homework I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. “Shoot” I murmured underneath my breath. It was a library book that was due in just a few hours. I ran out to the living room, but both my parents and older brother were away. I had no other choice.  I threw the book in a drawstring bag and headed out to the garage. I pulled the tarp off from on top of my bike and shook the dust off of it. One of the tires were flat. I quickly grabbed the air pump and starting pushing it like my life depended on it. After it was full I rolled down the driveway and started pedaling towards the library. I had 20 minutes. I needed to find a shortcut. I spotted a pathway up ahead and darted down it. As I made my way down the trail i started to noticed there was a slight slant and I picked up speed. All the sudden my brakes failed and there was a river up ahead. I ditched the bike, watched it crash and be swept downstream. I was bleeding all over, but I was determined to get this book in on time and avoid the fine. 10 minutes. I stopped walking and began to run. My parents would kill me if I didn’t get this in on time. After all that I came over a hill and saw the library. I sprinted in to the front desk and handed the lady standing there the book. “Honey” she says, “This is due next monday.” My face resembled absolute sadness and anguish. I snatched the book and walked home. A typical monday.

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