Elizabethtown | Teen Ink

Elizabethtown MAG

By Anonymous

   Elizabethtown, PA: I went to Elizabethtown with a negative attitude. My father and I drove three hours from Philadelphia through cornfield after cornfield until we reached Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. The town is nothing and the closest Abig town' is Hershey which is a mere ten minutes away. We spent the night in Hershey (where everything smells like chocolate) and the next day went to the open house at E-town. We expected no one to be there but we were completely surprised when we drove in the driveway and there were cars from all over the East Coast.

The campus was gorgeous! Many trees and clean buildings. The day started off with a speech given by three students which was quite impressive as well as creative.

There was a sense of excitement at E-town like the students and faculty were excited to show off their school and the audience reacted with the same enthusiasm. We also went on a tour around the spacious campus where we saw every aspect of the academic and social facilities. Everything was very clean and the classrooms seemed to be well-equipped. The dorms were typical college dorms, cement walls and floors, and the whole floor shares a bathroom which I don't particularly like, but what can you expect?

Elizabethtown is a beautiful small college in a very rural setting. If only it were near a large city, I would seriously consider going there in a second.n

Reviewed in 1990

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i love this !