University Of Pennsylvania | Teen Ink

University Of Pennsylvania MAG

By Anonymous

   Philadelphia, PA: Before I visited UPenn, I thought that it might be the right place for me, but after visiting I knew it was. I went in July when the school unfortunately was not in session, but there were people floating around campus. The campus is in the center of Philadelphia, but at the same time it has the feeling of a rural, secluded campus. I think the campus is one of the things that impressed me the most. There are many trees, old brick buildings and lots of green grass. When I got there early on a Friday morning, I went to an information session which I personally found a little intimidating. The woman explained the admissions process and how difficult it is to get in, as well as some of the classes. I want to think of these things as challenging, rather than intimidating. After that I took a campus tour with a happy Penn sophomore who was very informative and honest about the good and bad points of Penn. I could barely see any bad points on my visit simply because I was so overwhelmed with the upbeat atmosphere of everyone I talked to, as well as the campus in general. Penn seemed like a university with a sense of warmth and community despite the fact that there are approximately 9500 undergraduates and it is in the middle of a large city. n

Reviewed in 1990

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i love this !