Northeastern | Teen Ink

Northeastern MAG

By Anonymous

   Boston, MA: If you like the city, the busy atmosphere with always-something-to-do, the easy transportation, close friendships and an excellent academic program, you'll love Northeastern University. Not only was I able to see the campus, dorms and eating areas, I also saw the student center and the gymnasium. And I saw everything in action.

I didn't go on a tour but I saw just as much and probably more. I was able to get inside information as to what really goes on. So whatever you read about Northeastern is true: it's a great school.

The first thing I saw was the gymnasium. I'm not sure of its dimensions, but it's big and it has the perfect floor for court games. The student center is always full of activity. There's the radio station, WRBB. There's more to a radio station than just disc jockeying. At WRBB they have sportscasting, regular news, and even a farm and fish report. They have weather reports from the WRBB weather tower. They don't have just one kind of rock, they have all kinds including reggae, classic rock, pop rock, hard rock and rap. The radio station is definitely worth getting involved in.

Northeastern has many areas of study and all of them are highly regarded. It also has an honors program for especially bright students who can maintain a 3.25 throughout their college career. With the honors program, they have suites for dorms. Downstairs is a lounge complete with television, pool tables and kitchen. Aside from the honors program, NU has cooperative education. This is when, after freshman year, a student attends classes for a quarter and works the next quarter in his/her field of interest. It's probably the best way to learn and get the best hands-on experience.

I ate in the dining area on student move-in day. They had a salad bar, deli bar, cereal bar, ice cream (soft serve), along with the regular lunch-of-the-day. It was clean and bright and well-equipped with a variety of foods.

The campus itself is city-like, but some of it reminds me of the country. There's so much to do that, if ever in the position with "nothing to do," walk down the street and take your pick. There is Symphony Hall, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Omni Theatre, to name a few. Hop on the T and go to Harvard Square to the Coop. There are pizza places, Burger Kings, and Chinese food places. Let's face it, there's more to college than academics.

I am very impressed with what I've seen. They're very strict about letting people into dorms and I think that's important. From experience, I know the advisors are personable and take the time to get to know their students. I know they care and do their best to help. Now I know why my brother chose to go to Northeastern University. n

Reviewed in 1991

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i love this !