Fitchburg State College | Teen Ink

Fitchburg State College MAG

By Anonymous

   Fitchburg, MA: Last month my parents and I embarked on a journey to Fitchburg State College. We live in Hanson (MA) and it took us a little under three hours to arrive. The campus was not exactly easy to find. Located in uptown Fitchburg on a main street, initially the campus did not impress me. Throughout the day I searched for open space and grass. But that was after we actually found the admissions office, which was hidden among the rest of the plain brick buildings. When we caught up with the student guide, she was very friendly and full of information. After a brief tour of the academic buildings, we proceeded to a lecture hall to see a slide show about college life and academics. This slide show was done by the students and although it was interesting and done to music it was more like a yearbook than an admissions video.

Then we had a question and answer session that was, on the whole, pretty informative if you are the type who doesn't mind standing up in front of a hundred parents and kids to ask a question.

We were then divided into groups according to interests. I am a Communications hopeful and the tour I was shown was for Mass Communications (there is a difference, I now know), but I did see their TV production facilities and I was impressed. They have a lot of up-to-date equipment for video production and photography equipment that is accessible to students on a sign-out basis.

After the tour we went for lunch in the school cafeteria. The prices were very reasonable, considering you could eat as much as you wanted and they had everything (and I mean it). After lunch I set out with my mom for the athletic building. I play volleyball and since I had heard that their team was not exactly spectacular (as far as college teams go), I thought I might have a chance to make the team. But when I tracked down the building, the Athletic Director was not in.

We stopped by the library and on the way back to the car we passed the dorms, which looked like apartment buildings.

When we were home, I read the school manual and the curriculum looks great. Tuition isn't bad. Oh, I did locate some grass and a few trees and bushes. n

Reviewed in 1992

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i love this !