Ithaca College | Teen Ink

Ithaca College MAG

By Anonymous

   Ithaca, NY: Ithaca College is a beautiful, small school which is moderately competitive. Since there are about 6,500 students, everything is very personal. Even though I'm only a junior beginning my college search, the admissions office suggested that I have an interview. Both the receptionist and women who interviewed me were very nice. Four days after visiting the campus, I received a hand-written postcard from the women who interviewed me.

The dorms are very small, yet clean. They are all set apart from the classrooms. Some are pretty high on the hill. If the cold scares you away, don't let it. All the classrooms are connected to each other and there are underground tunnels connecting many buildings.

The campus is very well kept. There is a gorgeous view from many areas of the campus since it is situated on a hill overlooking the city of Ithaca. For that reason, it is also very safe. Like most campuses, there is a blue light system (call boxes connected to security), and an escort system.

Ithaca is a private college of arts and sciences, business, health science, music, and liberal arts. The theater program seemed very strong. They have a radio station, and produce a variety of television programs.

Ithaca College is a very warm and comfortable school. If you want a relatively small school where you're not just a number, check out Ithaca. n

Reviewed in 1992

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