Umass Amherst | Teen Ink

Umass Amherst MAG

By Anonymous

   Amherst, MA: On my overnight visit to UMass Amherst I experienced the exciting aspects of college life. The campus, students, teachers and activities were all a bit overwhelming. My cousin, who is a freshman there, gave me a tour of the campus, took me to her classes and introduced me to her friends.

The campus is huge, with many spread out buildings. There are different courses offered and the facilities are modern. There is a huge library and the students are encouraged to use their computers. Smith, Mount Holyoke, Hampshire and Amherst College are all nearby.

There are many types of people at UMass Amherst. At small schools the students are alike, but UMass is one of the bigger schools around. They offer many sports from a horseback riding team to a basketball team. They have many clubs and organizations you can join.

The professors are all well-spoken and intelligent. The majority of the classes were in lecture halls and had approximately 150 students. The lectures were not as boring as I had anticipated and were, in fact, interesting.

UMass Amherst, better known as "The Zoo," because of the party animals, is a really fun, up-beat school. If you prioritize your school work before the parties, you should do fine. If you are looking for a big university that offers a variety of courses and activities, you should consider UMass Amherst. f

Reviewed in 1995

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