Franklin Pierce | Teen Ink

Franklin Pierce MAG

By Anonymous

   Rindge, NH: Franklin Pierce College has the most beautiful campus I've ever seen. When I visited for the first time with a friend, I fell in love with the campus. When I went the second time with my mother, I felt like I was home. This college has everything I want.

Driving to the campus was not a bad ride at all. The school is about an hour and a half from Boston. Driving up the road to the campus, we passed some apartments where students live. We then passed the beautiful pond at the bottom of the hill the campus is on. I'm sure you can imagine how beautiful it must be looking down at this pond every day.

The food was delicious cafeteria food. The variety is just amazing. I'm the type of kid who'll eat breakfast food all day and sure enough they had breakfast food available at 2:30 p.m. when I ate my lunch.

At the end of my tour, after seeing the classrooms, dorms and cafeteria which were impressive, we made it to the new Activity Center. This facility is a 72,000-square-foot dome. It includes indoor soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, in-line skating, aerobics, fitness training and track. This is a place where everyone can spend time.

Feeling at home at a school is probably important to every student. This seems to be a place where you can feel at home. f

Reviewed in 1997

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i love this !