Hofstra | Teen Ink

Hofstra MAG

By Anonymous

   Hempstead, NY: When I visited Hofstra University, I found the campus to be aesthetically very pleasing. One hundred thousand tulips spanned this medium-sized campus, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

Barron's Guide rated Hofstra as one of the most exciting campuses in America. At Hofstra there is something going on every night for students to participate in. Also there is a beach nearby. There are many other colleges located very close as well.

Hofstra University has a wide variety of majors to choose from and offers small classes. They also have numerous sports and activities to participate in.

For prospective students, Hofstfa offers the Ambassador Program. Through this, students can spend a day, and even a night with a current Hofstra student, so the prospective student can sit in on classes, tour the campus, and experience dorm living.

I enjoyed my visit there and I recommend anyone who is interested in attending Hofstra take a tour of the campus. f

Reviewed in 1998

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i love this !