S.U.N.Y. Albany | Teen Ink

S.U.N.Y. Albany MAG

By Anonymous

   Albany, NY: Selecting a college is perhaps the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. However, I feel that my decision making was a lot easier after visiting the State University of New York at Albany. With its award-winning science department, and excellent facilities, S.U.N.Y. Albany is the perfect school for students looking for the caliber and prestige of a private university for the price of a state school.

The split 585-acre campus is composed of a modern state-of-the-art campus uptown and the more traditional campus in downtown Albany. The uptown campus is spacious with open-air corridors and large fields for both athletic and recreational purposes. Keeping itself on the cutting edge, S.U.N.Y. Albany will be opening its new electronic library next year.

After being taken on a campus tour, my parents and I decided to take a closer look at the atmospheric science department. On our unexpected arrival, the head professor cordially invited us in and spent over an hour talking to us about the campus and its many opportunities. While showing us their newest technology, and possible plans for building a TV studio, his colleague came in and proceeded to take us on a tour of the science classrooms. This personal attention thoroughly impressed me (as well as my folks). Despite their rather full schedules, those two professors put their work aside to give us an in-depth view of their program.

Outside the classroom, S.U.N.Y. has over two hundred activities to choose from including fraternities, sororities, cultural clubs, and 19 varsity sports. Based on the campus calendar, every night there is always a concert, sporting event, or movie either on campus, or in Downtown Albany, to help relieve the stress of class. f

Reviewed in 1998

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i love this !