Villanova | Teen Ink

Villanova MAG

By Anonymous

    Villanova, PA: Villanova University is a Catholicinstitution founded by the Order of St. Augustine in 1842 and continuesthe Order's mission of education today. The university currently enrolls6,000 undergraduates.

Villanova offers a wide range ofundergraduate and graduate academic programs. Students can choose fromthe College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Nursing, Commerceand Finance or the University College. The Navy, Army and Air Force allhave Reserve Officer Training Corps branches there. There are alsonumerous opportunities to study abroad.

A Division I athleticprogram includes intramural, club and varsity-level sports. Through theyears, Villanova has had several Olympic athletes and won numerous NCAAchampionships. Aside from the athletic and academic offerings, there areplenty of clubs and organizations to join along with its Greek life. Ifa student wishes to venture off campus, there is transportation toPhiladelphia, a few miles away.

Villanova's most appealing traitis its sense of community. Though it is a relatively small school, afeeling of friendship prevails throughout the campus. The university isa religious, faith-filled community that welcomes students of allfaiths. Campus Ministry, a student organization, is very active oncampus and is a great organization to join.

Villanova Universityis a wonderful educational institution for a student who wants a smallschool with a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Reviewed in 1999

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