Humor in Life | Teen Ink

Humor in Life

February 26, 2018
By Libbyhalvorson BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
Libbyhalvorson BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
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Humor in life
The Old English definition of witty is “having wisdom”. Well, good thing this is not Old English because I am in no way saying that I have wisdom. That would  make me a liar.  I am seventeen years old and still make jokes that ten year olds make;I do not think I qualify for being wise. So, I will not be explaining how I am witty from that standpoint. The current definition of witty from is “ showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor”. Now that sounds more like me.
I have always been told that I am witty. I would always laugh because I never really knew if it was a compliment or a diss. I would not say “thank you”, or “hey you are too!”, because I honestly did not even know what it meant. I finally figured out the actual definition of this word a few days ago. Now I understand why I have been called that. I love receiving compliments. But my favorite compliment I receive is when people say I am funny or witty. I would rather be told that than be told I am pretty or something. I think that is because, so much of my life, is based around humor.
The people that are close to me know that more than half of the things that I say are not true. If somebody asks a question, or gives me a good opportunity to crack a joke,  I think for a quick response. And I say it. Outloud.  Sometimes without thinking about what I am actually saying. That is probably one of my worst qualities. I will say things, and forget who is in the room and the place and setting. After I say something that is inappropriate for the time and people I am with, I just know. I bite my tongue, and hope that everybody forgets about it. I have learned to laugh at myself. This has happened at school, restaurants, and even at home! I think  funny example is when people at stores say “thank you for shopping with us” and I say “you too”. Or when servers at restaurants say “enjoy your food” and I say “you too”.  This really shows I need to think of what people say before I speak. I also will say rude things that I think are funny and they will actually offend people. I will also at times say my opinion when it is really not needed and when it differs with everyone else's opinions in the room. 
Whenever I hear the word witty, I associate it with the word humorous. Like I said, humor is such a big part of my life. I think that it should be a part of everybody's life too. Laughing is a breath of fresh air on a bad day. If I am having a bad day, if someone makes a joke, sometimes I completely forget that I was having a bad day. Making somebody else smile when I am having a bad day, also can make my day so much better. I think that having wit and being funny are two different things. Wit is a type of humor. So if somebody is witty, that is because they are some way being funny and humorous. But there are different types of wit. There is dimwit, which is actually not a compliment in my opinion. It is more like a stupid kind of humor. That is different from quick witted because, well it says it in the word, quick witted is fast, smart humor.
Sacha Guitry once said, “You can pretend to be serious; but you can’t pretend to be witty”. I think that that quote is  funny and yet very true. The word that is most opposite of witty, is serious. The word most opposite of me… is also serious. Somebody can pretend to be serious; A.K.A, me. I can pretend to be serious when I need to. But, people that are serious, can not pretend to be witty. You can not just become witty; you either are or you are not.
Everyone finds something to get them through life, whether they are having a good day or a bad day. For me, humor and my wit get me through life. Smiles and laughter make me feel happy. Although sometimes my witty humor can get me in trouble, I would not trade that quality for anything.

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