How to Use Facebook | Teen Ink

How to Use Facebook

November 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Instructions: How to Use Facebook
1. Fill out a Signup form. Please, carefully read and respond to all questions. Don't forget to provide your real name, including 4-5 spelling errors to create some challenge for those who will try to find you on Facebook (ex.: for Tatsiana you can use Stianata,  Anasitat, or simply Tats****).
Please, provide your home address, including street name, house or apartment number, and detailed description on how to distinguish your house from all others that have  similar addresses (details such as "a big  green house next to the bush or the road" will do).

Enter your education and job title.
This step is completely mandatory, but only if  your job title is a surgeon, attorney, President of the United States or any large world-wide corporations, marine engineer or bomb disposal officer. If you don't hold any of the job positions above, please skip this step and move on to the next question.  (If you work at McDonalds please, accept my condolences and have my permission to choose any job listed above, excluding the President of the United States).

3) Add (or take) a photo.  It is very important to add a valid, recent  photo to your profile page. It can be a picture of you, your siblings, family or friends, your dog or the egg that you had for breakfast this morning. It can also be  a  picture of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt or any of their children.
If you want to be creative, you can add your own selfie!  Here are some recommendations on how you can take a selfie with a simple electronic device, such as the iPhone or webcam:

- Put your face  as close to the camera as possible;
- Don't forget to stick out your tongue out or do a "duck lips";
- Make sure you blink when (if) the flash goes off;
- Edit the picture with editing tools to make sure you don't look like yourself.

4) Add friends.
Search for people you know or just add random people that you find. Please, add as many people as possible to your friendlist. The more friends you get, the more "likes" you will (probably) have.
Warning: An enormous  amount of Facebook friends does not guarantee that your photos and statuses will get a sufficient amount of  likes.

5) Last step: start posting.
Congratulations, you have completed all steps. Now you can start posting statuses to your
facebook wall! Don't forget to post an update every three to four minutes so friends keep track what you're up to!
Surely, they can't wait to see what will you do next.

(IMPORTANT: The instructions above are only for reading and entertaining purposes. Do NOT apply them in real life.)

The author's comments:

This piece is dedicated to all Facebook fans or those who does not use Facebook but has heard much about it. 


Good luck world

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