A Different Definition | Teen Ink

A Different Definition

November 1, 2011
By Anonymous

I’m Catholic and I’m Caucasian. On paper I look about as diverse as identical twins. Sure if someone is African-American, Native-American, or Asian they fill up a small ethnic quota but does that make them any different as people? I understand that each racial group has its own history and culture but currently skin color and accents don’t matter, people are becoming generic and settling for mediocre.

I think it is safe to say that every high school has its cliques and my high school is no exception. There are the jocks, the goths, the preps, the bums, and everything else you would find on a typical adolescent television show. And having all of these various groups of people makes a high school diverse, right? Not in every case. When I think of diversity I think of the word different. Not different in appearance, not different in interests, and not different in culture, but different in nature. I could be the most diverse person on earth but if I do not share my background with others then my diversity never expands past fulfilling a quota.

So what makes me stand out amongst the sea of cliques that I swim in every day? What diversity would I bring to a college community? The answer, leadership. So what if I don’t stand out to the naked eye, diversity is about having the ability to play a more decisive role within a community to create change. Without leadership or initiative then everyone becomes a follower and where is the diversity in that?

I do not belong to one clique, I am not a living definition of a cliché, and I do not shadow others in hopes of finding myself. While I have watched people change and conform under pressure, I have chosen a different path by walking across that famous bridge that everyone else has jumped off of. I play a sport but I have not let that label me as a jock. I am blonde but I have not let my appearance represent who I am. Some say that high school is the time where people find themselves, but instead most people lose themselves in order to find approval. Confidence is becoming harder to find and individuality even harder. However, as I continue to reach for my goals and set the standard higher for myself I realize how different I am from my peers.

Leadership is an asset that cannot be learned, taught, or followed. I believe that my personality and drive stand out from the rest. I strive for the best and my determination is the fuel that keeps me going. I stand for what I believe in and my morals never sway. Am I just an ordinary high school student according to statistics? Yes. Am I just an ordinary high school student with hopes of making an impact and a difference? Absolutely, and my secret to success is far more diverse than what can be defined or analyzed in numbers.

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This article has 1 comment.

all99s said...
on Nov. 3 2011 at 8:06 am
This is beautifully written.  Great insight about high school!