We Are Waiting for Someone Else to Save Us | Teen Ink

We Are Waiting for Someone Else to Save Us

November 1, 2016
By Anonymous

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it ” - Robert Swan


Who are we waiting for? Are we waiting for a messiah, an avatar or an angel to come and save our planet from the species that tends to dominate it? The answer if honest is bitter and if negative, a lie.

The planet which we call our home is continuously being abused by us, its most fancied residents, as we loot it of its resources, destroy its uniqueness and undermine it’s faithfulness. All this just to satisfy our mere needs which at current rate show no signs of declining or stopping. Homo Sapiens may be termed as mortals but there needs and demands are surely not.


Its in human DNA to explore and exploit and these are the characteristics that make us different from other species with whom we share this planet; but these characteristics could one day lead to our very extinction if not given proper direction before its too late.

So who among us is going to act ‘Noah’ and show us the path before crisis control is the only option.

The harsh reality is that our world, our society; is just not strong enough to answer the question. We are too arrogant and busy to admit that the flaws leading to deterioration of our planet lie in the very basics of our thinking, the vey foundation on which our society stands.

We tend to think and believe that we own this planet and the whole nature were created to just meet our ever-growing needs and demands. But we tend to forget the teachings of one of the greatest human being to walk on the planet. Mahatma Gandhi said,  “There’s enough for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed.” which stands perfect for the current situation, where we have forgotten what we are compared to the might of Mother Nature.

“ The insufferable arrogance of human beings to think that nature was made solely for their nature was made solely for their benefit, as it was conceivable that the sun had ben set afire merely to ripen men’s apples and head their cabbages. ”
-Cyrano de Bergerac

The question, ‘ Who are waiting for to save us?’ can be answered only if we understand save us from ‘WHAT’. What is the threat from which we need to be saved?

Politicians and industrialists around the globe had for long been dodging the topic of global climate change but when the unusual floods, droughts and melting of glaciers became more and more common, the world took notice.

Mother Earth had long been abused for her faithfulness and silence. The time had come when the Mother must use force to punish her children.

The time had also come for the world to acknowledge Paul Coelho’s words “ The planet is, was and always will be stronger than us. We can’t destroy it, if we overstep the mark, the planet will simply erase us from it’s surface and continue existing.”

The question asked by him is simple. ‘ Why don’t we start talking about not letting the planet destroy us?’ And the answer, by him is even simpler.

The belief that we are ‘saving the planet’ gives us a sense of power and authority, whereas, ‘ not letting the planet destroy us’ leads to a feeling of despair and impotence, and a realization of just how limited our capabilities are.

And this belief that we are not the victims in this game of mother and child is the problem. The belief that we have time at our side and we will be saved somehow is both stupid, arrogant and the biggest of all the threats.

We, who call ourselves the most intelligent beings on the planet must make a decision as residents of Earth to get rid of this arrogance and belief before its too late, otherwise it would take only a few tectonic shifts to end the world as we know it.

There is, was and never will be a doubt on our existence as a species, either on this planet or beyond this but there will always be a doubt on the numbers in which we will exist.


It’s human psychology to follow and human nature to succeed. It’s in our coding to look for an inspiration but it’s also in our blood to challenge our limitation. We have been doing this for thousand of years and will continue doing so for many more.

‘To survive we must understand our limitations and challenge them but in the process, we shall not forget to respect those limitations.’

The question ‘ Who is going to save Us from Us?’ can be answered only by ‘Us’. The answer may be obvious but must come from deep inside the heart, because just like heart plays a part in love; it also plays a part in matter of life and death.

The author's comments:

This article is about how we humans treat mother Earth so badly and one day the mother will punish us !

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