College Tuition | Teen Ink

College Tuition

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

I believe that colleges should lower their tuition because many people are having hard times paying for colleges, some colleges are spending money on things they don’t need and kids tuition money is what’s paying for that unneeded things. Most importantly having high tuition cost can sometimes overweigh the bad things about that college, but having high tuition cost can also do good for government and there are ways for students to get a college education without the money.  


One reason that college tuition should be lowered is because rising the cost to go to college makes it harder for people to pay for college.According to article making college more affordable at www. they wrote that 75 percent of Americans believe that college is too expensive.The article advantages of free college tuition at community college at www. wrote “Free tuition at community college allows all types of students to attend, regardless of income level. Because income is often tied to other demographic factors including race, religion and family history, this means that free-tuition program opens the door for a more diverse student body”. The also say “ Communities with a higher percentage of college graduates collect tax revenue and attract higher paying jobs in the area”. and “ The skilled labor force of community college graduates also reduce the demand for entry level jobs, leaving them open for unskilled workers and reducing unemployment at the lowest end of the economic spectrum”. Skilled and knowledge can bring good things to the work force.  Many colleges offer programs where they can get a free college education if they have a high school diploma(only some) if you maintain a C average at the college, and participate in community service each semester. Other colleges offer things life financial aid and loans.

Another reason why college tuition should be lowered is because some colleges are using their money for things they really don’t need when they should be using that money for things like safer environments for the students and more accurate information. The article making college more affordable at www. the author wrote that people should look more into how colleges spend their federal financial aid, they should expand data collection on how colleges spend their money and consider whether the use of federal financial aid money should be limited to educational expenses.

The most important reason why college tuition should be lowered is because many colleges with high tuition cost make students believe that that college is best and it overweighs the bad things. The article advantages and disadvantages of rising college tuition at www. the author wrote that “ Colleges say the benefits of rising tuition costs ofter outweigh the negatives”. Having high tuition cost can signal a student to think that, that college offers high-quality education. 

I believe that college tuition should be lowered because colleges are can get way too expensive and many people can’t pay the high tuition costs. Some colleges are spending money on things they don’t really need, and most importantly is that high tuition cost can overweigh the bad things about that college, but their are other options to like financial aid and loans.

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