Decisions | Teen Ink

Decisions MAG

By Anonymous

   As senior year approaches,

Many choices I foresee.

But one decision I have made.

College is for me.

Do I go or do I stay,

Travel far or near?

The great Northwest or sunny South?

I think I'll stay 'round here.

Is size to be considered too?

A large school with much more,

Or just a small and cozy one,

Knowing all who pass my door?

Would I like a private school

With a prestigious name?

Or how about a public one,

Perhaps they're both the same.

Should I choose the country

Or is city life just right?

Nature's abounding beauty,

Or the view of neon lights?

Do I compete or maybe not?

Are sports the way to go?

Or do I only concentrate

On things I need to know?

Mixtures, blends, a melting pot

With much diversity?

This choice is the easy one

It's where I want to be.

The choices are so many

Decisive I must be.

I'll just have faith that pretty soon

One school will be for me.

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i love this so much!