Flash to Finish | Teen Ink

Flash to Finish

June 20, 2011
By KykyReneeKnight SILVER, Collierville, Tennessee
KykyReneeKnight SILVER, Collierville, Tennessee
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"- So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads. "-Dr. Seuss.

Film Photography is an experience unlike any other, it is exactly that, an experience, and something serene. The closet, the dark room, the repetition, and finally, the image, the feeling, the story. This photograph is beautiful not because it is a documentation of my first photograph taken on an slr in college, but because of the experience from flash to finish. See the woman beside the trash can? It's august, what's her story?

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