China Fruit | Teen Ink

China Fruit

January 17, 2011
By I.R.MacCay SILVER, Anchorage, Alaska
I.R.MacCay SILVER, Anchorage, Alaska
5 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm gonna live my life. I'm gonna kick your but at anything you challenge me at, and I'm gonna do everything that can and can't be done. If you want to stop me go ahead, try to stop me. Just try." I. R. MacCay

In Kifung China there are differences everywhere from home in America. Somethings however are universal, things like a mothers love, a child's need, and sometimes something as small as an apple core. No matter what differences there are in the world; there is always something we can relate to. No matter where we are.

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