Read This Before You Watch 13 Reasons Why | Teen Ink

Read This Before You Watch 13 Reasons Why

By Teen Ink Staff Writer
May 14, 2018

13 Reasons Why is a fictional drama in which the teen characters deal with extremely tough issues that many young teens and adults are facing today. The show covers tough and graphic topics such as bullying, substance abuse, depression, assault, rape, and suicide.

This week, Netflix will be releasing 13 Reasons Why Season 2.

We know that many teens are watching this program and have felt similar feelings, witnessed similar events, or been subjected to similar incidents as depicted on this show. However, we must emphasize that 13 Reasons Why is a fictional drama that sometimes romanticizes these issues.

The first season follows the reactions of the community after the main character commits suicide through a series of flashbacks, and while these reactions make for compelling fictional and dramatic scenes, do not let these scenes impact the way you handle these issues.

If you intend to watch 13 Reasons Why, please let a responsible and trusted adult in your life know that you are watching the series. If you have questions or thoughts regarding some of the graphic issues, please reach out to a trusted adult to voice your concerns.

If you don’t have someone you can trust, reach out to the hotlines listed below for immediate help.

If you are or have been:
  • suffering from depression
  • bullied
  • the victim of a physical, sexual, or verbal assault
  • having suicidal thoughts
  • having issues with substance abuse
  • self-harming

or any number of other issues that relate, please know and understand that there is help out there for you.

For immediate help:

For more information visit:

*The resources listed on this page were taken from 13 Reasons Why Discussion Guide.

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