August 1, 2014
By killerdimmer GOLD, Metro Manila, Other
killerdimmer GOLD, Metro Manila, Other
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let it be.

A sudden realization in what seems like the longest moment in my life, a magnitude of clear vision of who I am.

As I watched strangers passing by, handling their own life, dealing with what they’ve got, some having fun and making each second count and some just trying to get through the day, I was looking at them but I can only see the absence of what they have in me.

It’s like I can feel a waterfall of clarity inside of me just filling my body endlessly and feeling the hard fall at the bottom.

I see flashes of pain and suffering that clings to whatever strength I still have in me.
I felt every ounce of courage and happiness I just found out I have that both of who I thought I am is slowly fading away.

I can’t stop feeling this way. The guilt that crushes my heart just by feeling what I feel.

All my mistakes is a reflection of what I thought I would become but never wanted to.

In this moment I live in,
In these deep thoughts that drowns me…

I see myself lonely surrounded by all the choices I’ve made and the consequences of my actions that over shadows whatever is left in my soul.

A sudden realization that alone is who I am now and who I need to be to save others especially to save myself from me.

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