Cran-Hill Ranch | Teen Ink

Cran-Hill Ranch

June 6, 2010
By Anonymous

Cran-Hill Ranch was a Christian summer camp where my friend Sarah and I went to this summer. The camp was fun and we did all sorts of things like climb a rock wall, arts and crafts, and went to the camp store which had T-shirts and sweatshirts with the camp logo on it. On the first day we found our cabin where we stayed for the week. After we all settled in we went to the white tent where the band plays every night. At first we thought they were good but after a few songs we realized they were bad and very pitchy.
We hopped over to the dining hall where we ate for the week. It looked nice and clean, then we saw the water, it was yellow and tasted disgusting. We arrived at the dining hall rules and the worst rule was we had to drink a full glass of water before drinking anything else. The water was so disgusting it made us gag; it was so disgusting it looked like someone urinated in our cups; it was so disgusting we didn’t drink it for the whole week. The food was okay, not the best, but good enough to eat for a week.
Sarah and I decided to go back to our cabin and meet the people we would be staying with. There were suppose to be only ten to thirteen year old girls in our cabin but there were girls that looked like they could be eight and nine years old. We were a little surprised when we found out they were twelve when I was eleven and Sarah was thirteen. Our moms left us to go check out the rest of the camp, so they would know what we were doing for the rest of that week and then they went home.

Sarah and I waited to find out what we were doing first with our new ten roomies and two counselors. We went back to the white tent to have the introduction of the week and the tent was ¼ of a mile away from our cabin and the dining hall was a little further than that. Every day we walked to and from the dining hall, the tent, and the store about 3-4 times and we had fifteen hour days. So as you can see we walked a lot and by the end of the day we were exhausted.

The first night was hard to sleep through with ten people we didn’t know surrounding us, but when the clock turned 7:00 a.m. we were up and ready for the long day ahead of us and as excited as a puppy in a new home. We slowly walked to breakfast, the tent, and then the field where we were assigned our activities for the day. The field was next to the store, it was the size of two soccer fields. We were assigned to do a team building activity were we learn more about each other. I thought that was a good thing because I only knew Sarah and I wanted to get to know the other people in our cabin. There was a girl that looked about thirteen and she had an I’m-too-good-for-this look on her face. That made me a little mad cause I was looking forward to meeting them and I can get along with pretty much anyone except people like her. Her name was Britney, Sarah and I did not like her, she was stuck up and hated everything we did. Good thing she brought a friend of her own because she was not willing to make any. All the other people in our cabin were nice and we all became friends. I still talk to some of them on Facebook and we want to go back next year together, even though we live on the opposite sides of Michigan.

We all went to lunch after we played a few games and got to know each other even better. After lunch we were able to choose what we wanted to do. Sarah and I decided to go to archery and riflery because I love archery and Sarah loves riflery. We walked as fast as we could back to the field so we could get to archery and riflery. A young man called our names to go with him to archery and so we did. His name was David and he looked about twenty. Sarah and I thought he was as cute as a baby duck.

As we arrived at archery with only us and four other guys, we received the rules and shot away. We shot about 20 shots until we had to go to riflery. We went back to the field heard our names called again and left to go to riflery. Riflery was outside like archery was but there was a huge mound of sand behind the pop cans we shot at. At this time, I had never shot a real gun before but I was willing to learn. The men there showed us how to take the bullet and load it into the gun, to take the gun off safety, and to aim and shoot. BOOM we all shot at the pop cans at the same time. It was surprising how loud a gunshot was. We shot for a little while before we had to leave to go and take the swim test, to see who could swim in the shallow part or the deep part of the lake. I hurt my shoulder before I came so it was hard for me to pass the test and the water was freezing cold. I was allowed to swim in the deep part but since I could touch the bottom of the lake all the way out, it didn’t really matter that much.

We went to dinner after all the fun we had and we were so excited to see the band play their new song after dinner in the tent. The name of the song was Go, Go, Go and it was awesome. The church part of the service was next and it was interesting. We went to a campfire after the church part and we sang songs and had an incredible time.

The rest of the week was almost the same except we chose to do different things after lunch such as we went to the beach, the store twice, we went to the rock wall, we went geode hunting, we went on the zip line, and we went tubing down a river. On the last day before our parents picked us up we played capture the flag and had our faces painted with our team colors. We also wore our tie-dye shirts that we made that week.

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This article has 1 comment.

gymn88 said...
on Jun. 9 2010 at 8:37 pm
gymn88, Mattawan, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People Never Change"

i want to go to that camp now