drama where everything goes wrong | Teen Ink

drama where everything goes wrong

January 21, 2013
By rachelrachel BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
rachelrachel BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

teachers and students

the school....... Where one of the teachers is the meanest of all the teachers at the school. You ask why, than you will see.

Charlie: mrs morf, I don't get this math equation or anything we are doing

mrs.morf: we'll, figure it out yourself or you will get turned into an animal.

mrs. Morf: no questions either.

Charlie: a animal? What does that have to deal with what I need help on.

mrs. Morf: I warned you once, so she popped it, locked it, and jammed it out. Than turned Charlie into a gorilla.

All the other students: what just happened, turn him back into a human or we will go tell the principal.

mrs morf: you guys better shut the hell up or this will be happening to all of you and pretty fast too.

all the students: everyone said nothing and did nothing after that. They were all scared to say or do anything because they wanted to stay human.

mrs. Morf: now class what is the quadratic formula.

all students:.......... Blank faces, not one answered............

mrs morf: I said what is the quadratic formula, if no on speaks now I will turn any one of you into an animal or anything I want you to be turned into.

mrs. Morf: so now and I going to get an answer or not.

Steve: is it X=-b+or- the square root of cba - c squared all over 2(q) mrs morf.

mrs morf: you are so wrong, so she pooped it, locked it, and jammed it out and turned Steven into a chipmunk.

all the students: we are so scared now, there is not much of us left, now what do we do.

mrs. Morf: hello class

no one said a word and even flinched

mrs morf: I said hello class

Suzie, Mary, and zack: hello mrs. Morf

the rest were turned into animals because they didnt respond to mrs. Morf when she said hello to the class.

mrs morf: ok time for more math

zack: oh noooo, I hate math s much.

mrs morf: popped it

Suzie: nooooo, zack catch my mirror and reflect it so mrs morf can't turn you into a animal and turns herself into one instead.

mrs morf: locked it

zack: hurry, so he turned the mirror at mrs. Morf and she was turned into a penguin.

everyone else: cheered in joy, and went home, and that was the end of mrs morf.

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