College Of The Ozarks | Teen Ink

College Of The Ozarks MAG

By Anonymous

    Point Lookout, MO: I always had an idea where I wanted to attend college, but I was never sure until I spent a week on the campus of College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Missouri. Located only minutes from the famous Branson, College of the Ozarks is a sight many tourists look for. I wanted to spend a week on campus with a friend to see what it was really like to live in Branson. When I made the arrangements, I planned a vacation, never really thinking too much about the college. Having been on the campus many times, I found the beautiful lake directly in front of the cafeteria breathtaking. Point Lookout, on the edge of campus, is a spot where you can see almost all of Branson. One unique area on campus is the airport. It provides a place for students to learn to fly and receive their pilots' licenses. The college also has a farm where students raise hogs and cattle. I am very familiar with the farm, since my older brother is an agriculture major. The college also offers many traditional degrees. The most unique part of College of the Ozarks is not its wonderful location, beautiful campus, or many opportunities; rather, its most unique aspect is its work- study program. Every student must work in place of paying tuition. This may seem like a lot of work, but 15 hours a week isn't too hard when classes are in session. The work stations range from the on-campus restaurant, the farm, Edwards Mill, the print shop, and even the cafeteria.The students at College of the Ozarks get more than the regular book education; they receive a unique experience. Since I visited, I applied and was accepted. I am very excited to think I will be part of the wonderful team that works together to make College of the Ozarks run. f

Reviewed in 1998

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i love this !