The Call of the Wild by Jack London | Teen Ink

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

April 10, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In this book The Call of the Wild, I really think the author, Jack London, did a good job in how he describes some of the characters. For example, he describes the main character Buck the main as being a smart dog as well as being big and strong. He also describes most of the scenes well, using a lot of descriptive language.

At a point, though, I did start to think that this novel was getting quite hard to understand. While I was reading, I kept on getting confused about the setting. This was because Buck kept on getting new owners, and he was being moved to different places. However, I think this book is one great classic. It was fun to read, and the author made me see dogs differently, in a better aspect though.

One scene, which was one of the good “snapshots”, was the first fight scene between Buck and Spitz. Buck wants to replace Spitz as the lead dog. One cold night, Buck goes and attacks Spitz. As they fight, a pack of starving, wild dogs come along smelling blood and hoping to eat the loser. Buck doesn't defeat Spitz just yet. They both limp home, each one is hurt badly. Perrault said, “He's one devil that Spitz.” Francois replied, “Someday Buck will get mad and chew that Spitz all up, and spit him out on snow.”

The Last Fight

In another scene, the two wild dogs fight again, but this time it is worse. This time Buck rushes for Spitz's shoulder, but in the end sweeps low and in. His teeth close on Spitz's left foreleg. There was a crunch of a bone breaking. Three times Buck tries to knock Spitz over, but he only ends up breaking his right foreleg. Spitz staggers back and forth, growling as if to scare up his own death. Buck leaps on him, and kills him. This was my favorite scene, and as you can see, the author did put a lot of descriptive language into these two scenes.

Altogether, I think this novel shows how dogs take a big part in a human's life. It also has some good “snapshots” where the language is really descriptive. It is one great book that will help people to understand their environment and dogs better.

I recommend this book to people because I don't think you can really get bored of it. While you are reading, you want to see what other great things Buck can do in the story. Everyone who wants to understand dogs and how they live should read this book.


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