A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

March 17, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer is a good book because it talks about a kid who is abused by his mom. The book informs the readers that kids get abused real bad and are afraid to tell someone because they don't want to get hurt worse.

The mother used to love her son when he was little and then when he got a little older she started abusing him. Only him not his to older brothers or not his younger brother. His mother almost killed him a couple time she had a sick mind. She would not let him eat sometimes and sometimes he made him drink things that could kill him like cleaning products.

The book is a sad story but its very true. If you cant handle reading sad stories then don't read this book because this is a really sad story because of everything the one little boy go's through you also don't want to read this book if you don't like reading books that are really graphic because this book is.

My opinion is that no kid in the world should have to go through anything this kid went through. The boy in the story has to put up with a lot of abuse from his mother and no kid should have to put up with this much because kids are not that strong at that age.
Some people say they did not like this book but I highly recommend this book because it informs u about a lot of things that happen to people when they were kids.


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