Tell me more. | Teen Ink

Tell me more.

February 8, 2024
By mydearili25 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
mydearili25 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
At the end of time, there is always time

Tell me that you’re in love with him.

Talk to me about that night. Talk to me about the way he held your hand, the way he made your head float. Talk to me about the way he said “I love you” in a way that made you get butterfly’s in your stomach to the point where you felt sick. Talk to me about the music you played, explain it to me, explain how it made you fall for him. Talk to me about why you think you two are made for each other and why you think you guys are like moths to flames. Talk to me about the color of his eyes and how his skin shimmers in that parking lot. Talk to me about the gold bracelet he was wearing that day with his name on it. As long as you talk to me.

Tell me he’s the one for you, yet I’m the one always texting you.

You never talk to me anymore. I get a girl, you find “the one” You’re glad you’ll never have someone like me anymore because you learned your lesson. I backstabbed you so much the knife didn’t hurt when I would. You never bled, you never cried, you always stayed by my side. I will just be a star in your galaxy, while he’s your sun. You always loved astrology but mentioned it once around him, you dropped all those terms almost as fast as you dropped me. I was a well for you, you said you would always keep me filled with love and attention, but here I am empty as ever. You get sparkles in your eyes when you talk about him, and I’m sorry I never made you feel that way. I love you so much I need to let you go, because let's face it you’re not mine and you never were.

Tell me how I waited too long to make my move. I left you in the middle of the dance floor, it was full yet you felt like a ghost. I’ll never forgive myself for that night because that should’ve been us.

The author's comments:

This was written based on a thing called band night at my school and a boy I met there. This boy caused me happiness and love.

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