Period peace! | Teen Ink

Period peace!

April 29, 2024
By Anonymous

Every month for 5+ days every female gets their period. You can't stop your period when it comes and you can't get it to end early. That's why period products are an essential item. For 63 days out of a whole year menstruators get their periods but they still go to work or to school or just try to survive the day which is a whole lot harder when you don't have something you need. People like to say that period products are a “Luxury” product when the actual product is necessary and essential like toilet paper

Public places supply mostly everything essential you need when you go to the bathroom like Toilet paper, paper towels, and hand soap but sanitary products are charged. There should be sanitary products accessible for many reasons like comfortability, cleanliness and it supports proper hygiene.Having free period care in the bathroom gives a sense of comfort and reassurance so women know that if they have an emergency they will know how to handle it and have the products for it. Having period products in the bathroom also supports cleanliness by showing how to properly dispose of the products and having products in the bathroom also supports reassurance. It helps reassure women that they have the products that they may need at any time.

There are so many other reasons why sanitary products should be free or at least for a cheaper cost like accessibility. Most women aren't able to get the products they need because of the price. Studies show that women spend over $20 per cycle on sanitary products alone.Adding all that up in a woman's whole lifetime they would have spent over $6,000 just because of their period according to NBC News. Most women can't afford these prices and have to choose a box of tampons over dinner for the night.

Period issues are not just for older women it's also happening for younger women too. Teen girls tend to struggle the most through the day with having their periods and not having the proper products and it's already a struggle enough for teen girls to get through their day. On the Alliance For Periods official website the article “Period Products in Schools” last updated in December of 2023 states that “ 4 in 5 reported either have missed class time or knew a classmate who missed class time because they did not have access to period products”. Teens girls have to worry about homework, exams and their own social lives and not being able to find a period product that they need just adds way more stress on top of it.

From young to old all women have to struggle with their periods. Whether it's in the workforce or at school all women need the same thing for the products they need to be easily accessible for them and reasonably priced. In the future I hope that these types of products will be accessible and reasonably priced for all.

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