Always and Forever | Teen Ink

Always and Forever

April 24, 2024
By Julieisawesome, Nixon, Texas
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Julieisawesome, Nixon, Texas
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I recall it now, "When we grow up, we're gonna get married!" Leta shouted. "You'll get me a ring and I'll invite all of our friends!" I smiled at her silly comments, she would always talk my ear off about how we were going to get married in the future. I eventually got a promise ring for her, promising that we will get married in the future. She loved it, gushing over how it complimented her features and what we promised. From elementary to highschool, she would always bring up us getting married to all of her friends. New and old. I would always laugh along and smile with her while we were finishing our homework. Though, it was usually me doing the work and she would copy my answers in exchange for desserts. It continued like this til the last year of highschool, a month before graduation. 
    That night, after coming to my house, Leta said that she would call me when she was home to continue our conversation. A couple hours after she left, I began to grow more and more confused and worried. She promised she would call me back. She wasn't picking up her phone either, not even replying to my texts, and she usually responds pretty quickly. I decided to call the home phone and ask her mother if she was home. Her mother answered and mentioned that she hadn't come home after leaving the house. I eventually decided that I would peek out my window to see if she was still anywhere near my house, I don't know for what but maybe just to keep myself from panicking so early on. She was no where to be seen so I quickly put on my shoes and ran downstairs. Bursting the door open and running down the route she usually takes home from my house.
    I ran for what felt like hours looking in every alley, window, restaurant, and even asking passers by if they have seen her. I came to the conclusion that she might have just gone to another friends house or just came home later. I came back and closed my door, locking it and walking back up to my room. The next morning, I decided to make something to eat. My messages and calls were still unanswered but decided to put it aside, even though the feeling in my stomach hasn't dispersed. I turned the news on and began to make eggs with rice for breakfast. My mind would occasionally wander to try to figure out why she wasn't responding and no where to be seen. 
    I sighed and decided to report to the police if she didn't respond in the next hour. As I was plating the food, the news anchor began to talk about a woman found in critical condition last night, she was hardly identifiable besides her belongings. I almost dropped my plate as I saw Leta's schoolbag and ring. They were the last things recoverable from the scene since the attacker had taken her id from her wallet and most of the money was gone. They had seemed in a hurry to leave the scene. Leta was rushed to the hospital and placed into surgery to try to save her. The reporters mentioned that she was now out of surgery this morning and still in the hospital. I put my shoes on and ran outside while calling an Uber to the hospital she was at.
        I got Leta's hospital room number from the woman at the front desk, although I would have to wait a bit longer til she would accept visitors. It felt like an eternity sitting in that seat, waiting, dreading, hoping that she is in a better condition than she was found in. Eventually, they brought me into her room and I rushed to her side. I had gotten the ring back after they finished with the investigation, and placed it on her finger. Small tears began to form as he held my hand tighter. "Ellis.. I don't have much time left, mere hours at best.." she took a breath, "I'm sorry I couldn't finish our promise together. I'm sorry we couldn't get married. I'm sorry that I have to go so soon. I'm sorry that-" I didn't listen to the rest of her words, I tried to, I really did, but I soon covered her mouth with my hand. "Don't apologize," I said, "it's not your fault Leta.." I let go and held her hand with both of mine. "I don't want you to go, I'm the one who should be sorry, sorry that I couldn't go with you, and sorry that I couldn't save you." Tears began to stream down my face, they kept coming and I couldn't stop crying.
       I stand at Leta 's grave today. It's been 4 months since graduation and I still wear my ring. The bouquets of carnations and peonys lay there, where she resides. I still find every day without her hard. And although I've moved on in my life and found another woman who loves me, it's not the same. Our hugs don't feel like hers. The laughs we share don't seem as genuine as they did with Leta. I wish she was here, with me, alive. I should have gone with her that night. I should have let her stay over. I should have I should have 
      I stare at her grave as these memories continue to flood into my head. The bouquets of carnations and peonys lay there where she resides. I began to cry again. Even though I've moved on with another woman that loves me, it doesn't feel the same. The hugs don't feel like the way they did with Leta. The laughs aren't as genuine as they were with her. I find it hard to live day to day that I could have changed this outcome if I had just let her stay over, or go with her to walk her home. I eventually walk to my car and smile faintly at Marie, my new girlfriend. She reassures me that it will be okay. I nod and begin our way home. I will love her always and forever.

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