Lone Survivor | Teen Ink

Lone Survivor

April 29, 2024
By 5corey BRONZE, Watertown, Wisconsin
5corey BRONZE, Watertown, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lone Survivor does a fantastic job telling the story of how Marcus Luttrel actually experienced this abduction from foreign soldiers. During the covert Operation Red Wings, Marcus and his troop were looking to capture or kill Taliban-linked militia leader Ahmad Shah. 3 of the 4 SEALs were killed except for Marcus Luttrell. 

The movie Starts a little slow, but that is necessary since there won't be much to tell in terms of story once the action starts. Once the action starts it shows how Seal team 10 scales up various mountainous terrain trying to find good vantage points. 

After a long but neat setup with a few brief action bits, the film jumps into action which remains non-stop almost till the end. Action is the highlight of the film as you get to see some of the best military action scenes ever. The film did a great job incorporating Militaristic guns, rocket launchers, telescopic sights of the mountains in northern Afghanistan. 

Lone Survivor works really hard at educating and entertaining you with drama but also keeps the element of reality in check. The setting and dialogue used throughout the movie is a perfect example used to entertain and intrigue the viewer and maybe hint to future events. There are a lot of action scenes containing lots of gunfire and explosions exchanged with the SEAL team and terrorists. With lots of loud sounds and exhilarating explosive audio. 

Lone Survivor has everything an military action film should have. They do an incredible job with the cinematics and attention to detail as to make the story as truthful as possible but at the same time makes it entertaining.  This movie did a great job with the actors using Mark Wahlberg as Marcus Luttrell, who is very famous and well known for his acting appearance and performance. Along with Ben Foster acting as Matthew Axelson and a few others. 

I think the story of Marcus Luttrell was amazing but Lone Survivor is a great representation of what actually happened. Lone survivor is a great movie and I would recommend it to anybody who likes a good militaristic story. The movie is 2 hours long, which isn’t very long compared to most of the movies in theaters. It also has one of the best surround sound experiences if watched in theaters. 

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