Looking for Alaska | Teen Ink

Looking for Alaska

December 17, 2008
By Ruby Barraza SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Ruby Barraza SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
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Looking for Alaska is a witty and heart-warming book with a philosophical insight on life that gives the reader lots to think about. I, without a doubt, would recommend this book to anyone in search of an interesting read. Looking for Alaska's author, John Green outdid himself with his novel. This book earned the Printz Award and rightfully deserved it.
In this book, Miles "Pudge" Halter moves from his solitude and unpopularity in Florida to a rural boarding high school, Culver Creek in Alabama. With a peculiar obsession with last words, he sets off to seek the "Great Perhaps." (Francois Rabelais, poet)
At Culver Creek, he meets Chip "The Colonel" Martin, the smart, determined roommate of Pudge's, and then there's Takumi, a Japanese kid who defies the stereotypes on Asians with his rapping and sick rhymes, and finally, there is Alaska Young. The clever, intellectual, sexy, self-destructive, gorgeous and amazingly fascinating, Alaska Young. From first sight, Pudge is intrigued and mystefied by Alaska's spunk and flair. Almost instantly, Alaska hurls Pudge into the "Great Perhaps" and leaves him to figure out the labyrinth she so constantly pondered. And nothing is left the same.
This book will shock you, but make you thankful for picking it up in the first place. Next time you're craving an awesome book, Looking for Alaska is the book to read!


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