What time is it? You mean now? | Teen Ink

What time is it? You mean now? MAG

By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

     Hall of Fame catcher and former Yankee Yogi Berra is known for his funny antics and remarks. He has finally written them down in What time is it? You mean now?: Advice for Life from the Zennest Master of Them All. Every chapter title is one of his sayings, like “When you come to a fork in the road, take it” or “Are you dead yet?” and my favorite, “It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; I've had a couple of those.” There is a chapter for every letter of the alphabet.

Yogi talks about life in general in relation to his baseball career. It is a very easy read and because of all the humor, I never wanted to put it down.

He makes some very good points, too. He talks about how kids now have no unorganized fun; it is all arranged by parents who make play dates and organize activities. Another aspect that made this an easy read is that he makes serious topics funny, including death. He talks about how people are afraid to die and says they should be because you never know when it might happen. When people ask him if he will play in a senior golf tournament, he replies, “If I'm alive.”

If you are thinking that this book may only appeal to baseball fans, you are totally wrong. All you need to enjoy this book is a good sense of humor. You will probably not stop laughing until a long time after you put it down. So go out, get it, and laugh!


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i love this !