Imagination | Teen Ink


June 28, 2013
By Dynamo DIAMOND, Lahore, Other
Dynamo DIAMOND, Lahore, Other
54 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
I used to think falling in love would be personal. But it's all a big public show.

In the land beyond the sea
Lived a toad in a pot of tea
Lived he with friends of yore
Around whom legends were wrought in lore

In the land beyond the sea
Lived a serpent in a green tree
His neck wound around the trunk
Scuttled everyone as he enjoyed a bunk

In the misty mountains old
Where silver wrought and irony gold
Where lived mythical creatures bold
Where joy was like a story untold

In this mythical world of mine
There rests a memory of thine
Of days spend in sheer glee
Ah! begone this memory from me!

The author's comments:
I guess this is what you get when you come right outta writer's block :P


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