Cooking Is an Art | Teen Ink

Cooking Is an Art

January 25, 2019
By YUQIN_JIN BRONZE, Yancheng, Other
YUQIN_JIN BRONZE, Yancheng, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nowadays, more and more dishes (Thai food, Japanese Cuisine, and the four dish categories, for instance) are always appearing on our table. Globalization makes various cultures of countries connect closely which caters for people’s appetites. As to me, cooking is an art museum that is filled with different lifestyles, cultures and thoughts.

Leonardo’s Last Supper stands for that time of lifestyles. Show according to the data, there are three large plates for food in the painting. The one in front of Jesus is empty. The plates in front of Andre and Matthew are full of food on both sides of him. We saw the plates on the left seem to be half fish. On the right side of the picture, there are three small plates for food, one with roast eels decorated with orange slices, and the other with leafy fruit, possibly pomegranates. It is the product of the way of life of the Renaissance.

China which is combined with 56 ethnic groups has an ancient civilization with more than five thousand years of history. It causes every area has its own dishes. For example, Sichuan Cuisine is famous all over the world for its richness and variety because of the cold and wet weather. Generally, China has a unchangeable custom that people like gathering together all the time whenever at a festival or a normal day. Chinese nation has been advocating “food the first necessity of man” concept. People can search for raw materials from the nature including the wild animals and plants. Even ancient people applied plants into traditional Chinese medicine. Compendium of Materia Medica written by Li Shizhen introduces the drug treatments of plants. Thus it can be seen the cultures make a difference to our diet.

Minimalism in Japan allows people to go after the delicious and smart dishes. Therefore, they create sushi by roasting herring, cod or other unwell-known fish. For Japanese chef, every dish is a delicate art which represents their sense. They always absorb the best elements of other countries into their culture. Innovation and openness makes Japan get stronger.

As far as I am concerned, dishes is becoming a symbol of a country gradually in this new era. It is just a art brush describing a whole country attached importance to society.

The author's comments:

As usual, my Chinese teacher tends to ask us to know more about various cultures that is benefit for our compositions. Actually, while writing I could express my ideas by comparing different cultures quickly. I hope it is a good start though my words are not perfect.

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Savyyy BRONZE said...
on Sep. 8 2020 at 5:54 pm
Savyyy BRONZE, Independance, Missouri
4 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Let your unique awesomeness and positive energy inspire confidence in others.”

I also think that cooking is an art and a good job you did amazing